
Simple bank account management backend with REST API, using Django, Swagger and Docker.

Primary LanguagePython

Account management REST API

This repository contains the source code of the back office for managing accounts, and was developed using Django. This application has 2 endpoints for creating new accounts for existing users and for retrieving account and user information, and the django admin console for managing the content of the database tables. The database used Postgres 14, the API was documented using Swagger, and Docker was used for easier deployment.

Account creation - POST

The endpoint for creating user accounts was implemented considering the following requirements:

  • customerID and initialCredit should be provided;
  • If the customerID is not registered in the database, no account is created;
  • If the customerID exists, a new account is created with a balance equal to initialCredit;
  • If initialCredit is equal to 0, no transaction is created;
  • If initialCredit is not 0, an automatic transaction is created with an amount equal to initialCredit.

Account retrieval - GET

The endpoint for obtaining account information was implemented considering the following requirements:

  • If the customerID exists and has an account registered in the system, the endpoint retrieves the following information: name, surname, balance and list of transactions.

Deploying the solution

To deploy the solution, please follow the provided installation guidelines.

Setting up .env file

Please create an .env file based on .env-example where the required ENV variables will be defined.

Postgres variables

POSTGRES_DB : defines the database's name to be used.
POSTGRES_USER : defines the postgres username.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD : defines the postgres password.

Django variables

PORT : defines the port for the Django server (development mode)

Building the system using Docker-compose

cd docker/
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

After running docker-compose up -d the system should have initiated two different Docker containers, one for the database and another for the API.

Create Admin account in Django

Creating an Admin account allows the user to easily access and manage the database, enabling easy management of users, accounts and transactions. To do it, provide the desired username and email on the last command, replacing root and root@dummy.com.

docker exec -it tekever_api bash
cd src/
python manage.py createsuperuser --username root --email root@dummy.com

The user will then be prompted to set the password for the admin account.

Populate database with dummy data for testing

To ease the testing of the system, it is possible to automatically populate the database with dummy users and accounts simply by running:

python manage.py populate_db

Using the system

Once everything is set up the system will be available at http://localhost:$PORT/, where $PORT is the PORT defined in the .env file. For simplicity purposes, we will use PORT=8000 onwards.

Accessing the Django Admin console

To access the Admin console, go the admin view through http://localhost:8000/admin/. A dialog box will appear prompting the insertion of the admin credentials. Once successfully logged in, the user will have three key views on the left:

  • Users: used to manage and register new customers in the system;
  • Accounts: used to register new bank accounts for existing customers, and to manage existing bank accounts;
  • Transactions: used to view and create new transactions on existing accounts.

Accessing the Swagger docs

Documentation on the API schema is provided at http://localhost:8000/docs/. Here, the user can view and easily test the implemented creation and retrieval endpoints through the Try it out option. The user should have a view as shown next.


