
A skip list is a data structure that allows fast search within an ordered sequence of elements. Fast search is made possible by maintaining a linked hierarchy of subsequences, with each successive subsequence skipping over fewer elements than the previous one.

Primary LanguageJava


Implement the following methods.

  • add(x): Add a new element x to the list. If x already exists in the skip list, replace it and return false. Otherwise, insert x into the skip list and return true.

  • ceiling(x): Find smallest element that is greater or equal to x.

  • contains(x): Does list contain x?

  • first(): Return first element of list.

  • floor(x): Find largest element that is less than or equal to x.

  • get(n): Return element at index n of list. First element is at index 0. Call either getLinear or getLog.

  • getLinear(n): O(n) algorithm for get(n).

  • getLog(n): O(log n) expected time algorithm for get(n). This method is optional, but code it correctly to earn EC.

  • isEmpty(): Is the list empty?

  • iterator(): Iterator for going through the elements of list in sorted order.

  • last(): Return last element of list.

  • rebuild(): Reorganize the elements of the list into a perfect skip list.

  • remove(x): Remove x from the list. If successful, removed element is returned. Otherwise, return null.

  • size(): Return the number of elements in the list.