: : :
t#, t#, t#,
i ;##W. . ;##W. ;##W.
LE :#L:WE Ef. :#L:WE GEEEEEEEL :#L:WE .. : f. ;WE.
L#E .KG ,#D E#Wi .KG ,#D ,;;L#K;;. .KG ,#D ,W, .Et E#, i#G
G#W. EE ;#f E#K#D: EE ;#f t#E EE ;#f t##, ,W#t E#t f#f
D#K. f#. t#iE#t,E#f. f#. t#i t#E f#. t#i L###, j###t E#t G#i
E#K. :#G GK E#WEE##Wt:#G GK t#E :#G GK .E#j##, G#fE#t E#jEW,
.E#E. ;#L LW. E##Ei;;;;.;#L LW. t#E ;#L LW. ;WW; ##,:K#i E#t E##E.
.K#E t#f f#: E#DWWt t#f f#: t#E t#f f#: j#E. ##f#W, E#t E#G
.K#D f#D#; E#t f#K; f#D#; t#E f#D#; .D#L ###K: E#t E#t
.W#G G#t E#Dfff##E, G#t t#E G#t :K#t ##D. E#t E#t
:W##########Wt t jLLLLLLLLL; t fE t ... #G .. EE.
:,,,,,,,,,,,,,. : j t
Lobotomy is an Android security toolkit that will automate different Android assessments and reverse engineering tasks. The goal of the Lobotomy toolkit is to provide a console environment, which would allow a user to load their target Android APK once, then have all the necessary tools without needing to exit that environment.
Lobotomy leverages and provides wrappers around other popular tools such as:
- Androguard
- apktool
- Dex2Jar
- Frida
Lobotomy was built upon Homebrew's Python, and has been validated against versions:
- 2.7.9
- 2.7.10
- 2.7.11
For Lobotomy to properly implement its dependencies, a Homebrew installation of Python is required for OS X and LinuxBrew for Linux distributions. The PYTHONPATH
must then be pointed to the Homebrew's linked installation of Python.
Building the apktool requires Java and has been validated against the following versions:
- 1.7
- 1.8
Lobotomy assumes that you have already downloaded the Android SDK and added the following tools to your path:
- adb
If you're running OS X you will need Xcode and its required CLI tools , so be sure to run - xcode-select --install
after Xcode has been installed.
First you need to install qt
and cmake
through Homebrew:
brew install qt
brew install cmake
Next you need to download and install PySide
git clone https://github.com/PySide/pyside-setup.git
cd pyside-setup
python setup.py bdistwheel
Add the following to your shell environment:
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PySide"
In order to use the Frida instrumentation module please make sure you have pushed the frida-server binary over to your target device and executed it.
$ adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp/
root@android:/ # /data/local/tmp/frida-server
Make sure you change the IP in framework/config to your local network IP. This is used for the interactions with the deployed web services.
If the apktool build fails with this error: iBotPeaches/Apktool#918 - Follow the recommendations observed for the issue and trying running setup.sh
(lobotomy) help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
_load components edit li pause run show
_relative_load d2j frida list permissions save
attacksurface debuggable hi load profiler set
bowser decompile history loader py shell
cmdenvironment ed l logcat r shortcuts
Undocumented commands:
EOF eof exit help q quit
[~/Tools/mobile/android/lobotomy]> python web/run.py runserver -h
UI endpoints are located at: /ui/home
[~/Tools/mobile/android/lobotomy]> python lobotomy.py
: : :
t#, t#, t#,
i ;##W. . ;##W. ;##W.
LE :#L:WE Ef. :#L:WE GEEEEEEEL :#L:WE .. : f. ;WE.
L#E .KG ,#D E#Wi .KG ,#D ,;;L#K;;. .KG ,#D ,W, .Et E#, i#G
G#W. EE ;#f E#K#D: EE ;#f t#E EE ;#f t##, ,W#t E#t f#f
D#K. f#. t#iE#t,E#f. f#. t#i t#E f#. t#i L###, j###t E#t G#i
E#K. :#G GK E#WEE##Wt:#G GK t#E :#G GK .E#j##, G#fE#t E#jEW,
.E#E. ;#L LW. E##Ei;;;;.;#L LW. t#E ;#L LW. ;WW; ##,:K#i E#t E##E.
.K#E t#f f#: E#DWWt t#f f#: t#E t#f f#: j#E. ##f#W, E#t E#G
.K#D f#D#; E#t f#K; f#D#; t#E f#D#; .D#L ###K: E#t E#t
.W#G G#t E#Dfff##E, G#t t#E G#t :K#t ##D. E#t E#t
:W##########Wt t jLLLLLLLLL; t fE t ... #G .. EE.
:,,,,,,,,,,,,,. : j t
(lobotomy) loader /Users/benjaminwatson/Android-Web-Browsers/opera-mini/apk/com.opera.mini.native.apk
[2015-08-03 19:16:44.866870] Loading : /Users/benjaminwatson/Android-Web-Browsers/opera-mini/apk/com.opera.mini.native.apk
(lobotomy) permissions list
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175369] Permission: android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175409] Permission: android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175421] Permission: android.permission.INTERNET
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175430] Permission: android.permission.NFC
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175438] Permission: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175446] Permission: com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175454] Permission: com.opera.GET_BRANDING
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175461] Permission: com.opera.mini.native.permission.CRASHHANDLER
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175469] Permission: com.android.browser.permission.READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175477] Permission: android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175484] Permission: android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175491] Permission: com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175498] Permission: com.opera.mini.native.permission.C2D_MESSAGE
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175505] Permission: android.permission.READ_CONTACTS
[2015-08-03 19:27:31.175571] Permission: android.permission.VIBRATE
(lobotomy) permissions map
[2015-08-03 19:28:07.078496] Found permission mapping : android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
[2015-08-03 19:28:07.078543] Searching for : android.telephony.TelephonyManager
[2015-08-03 19:28:12.686411] Searching for : android.location.LocationManager
1 Lbo/app/bs;-><init>(Landroid/content/Context; Landroid/location/LocationManager; Lbo/app/bb; Lcom/appboy/configuration/XmlAppConfigurationProvider;)V (0x120) ---> Landroid/location/LocationManager;->requestLocationUpdates(Ljava/lang/String; J F Landroid/app/PendingIntent;)V
1 Lpz;->a()V (0x20) ---> Landroid/location/LocationManager;->requestLocationUpdates(Ljava/lang/String; J F Landroid/location/LocationListener;)V
1 Lbo/app/bs;->c()Lbo/app/da; (0x2e) ---> Landroid/location/LocationManager;->getProviders(Landroid/location/Criteria; Z)Ljava/util/List;
1 Lbo/app/bs;->c()Lbo/app/da; (0x54) ---> Landroid/location/LocationManager;->getProviders(Landroid/location/Criteria; Z)Ljava/util/List;
1 Lpy;->a(Llb;)Landroid/location/Location; (0x50) ---> Landroid/location/LocationManager;->getProviders(Z)Ljava/util/List;
1 Lbo/app/bs;->c()Lbo/app/da; (0x2e) ---> Landroid/location/LocationManager;->getProviders(Landroid/location/Criteria; Z)Ljava/util/List;
1 Lbo/app/bs;->c()Lbo/app/da; (0x54) ---> Landroid/location/LocationManager;->getProviders(Landroid/location/Criteria; Z)Ljava/util/List;
1 Lkf;->detectlocation(Ljava/lang/String;)V (0x9e) --->
(lobotomy) attacksurface
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272276] ---------
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272317] Activites
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272327] ---------
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272472] com.opera.android.MiniActivity : Found Activity with launchMode!
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272507] com.opera.android.MiniActivity : launchMode : singleTask
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272778] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : Found Activity with launchMode!
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272793] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : launchMode : singleTask
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272900] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : Found Activity with schemes!
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272912] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : scheme : ftp
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272932] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : scheme : about
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272943] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : scheme : http
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272952] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : scheme : opera
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272961] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : scheme : adx
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.272970] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : scheme : https
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273250] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : action : android.intent.action.MAIN
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273263] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : action : android.intent.action.VIEW
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273272] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : action : android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273280] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : action : android.speech.action.VOICE_SEARCH_RESULTS
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273289] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : action : android.intent.action.WEB_SEARCH
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273297] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : category : android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273305] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : category : android.intent.category.DEFAULT
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273313] com.opera.mini.android.Browser : category : android.intent.category.BROWSABLE
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273321] ---------
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273328] Receivers
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273335] ---------
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273712] com.AdX.tag.AdXAppTracker : Found exported receiver!
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273724] com.AdX.tag.AdXAppTracker : exported : true
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.273880] com.AdX.tag.AdXAppTracker : action : com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.274348] com.opera.android.gcm.GcmBroadcastReceiver : action : com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.274361] com.opera.android.gcm.GcmBroadcastReceiver : category : com.opera.mini.native
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.274821] com.opera.android.appboy.AppboyBroadcastReceiver : action : com.opera.mini.native.intent.APPBOY_PUSH_RECEIVED
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.274833] com.opera.android.appboy.AppboyBroadcastReceiver : action : com.opera.mini.native.intent.APPBOY_NOTIFICATION_OPENED
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.274842] ---------
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.274848] Providers
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.274855] ---------
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.275486] ---------
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.275494] Services
[2015-08-03 19:29:02.275511] ---------