
A Webassembly prodcedure call demo


This monorepo contains three codebases. One for a guest, the web assembly binary the rest of the demo uses Another for the host, the program that actually runs the binary, and a third, server, serves web assembly binaries for the host to run

How to use


  • Rust (^1.58)

Building the guest

cd into the guest folder and run make. This will produce a binary in the build/ direciory. To get ahead you should copy this into the servers bin/ directory.

Starting the server

cd the server directory and run cargo run. This should start the server on localhost:3000 serving all the binaries in the bin folder.

Using the host

    host [OPTIONS] --bin <BIN> --arg <ARG>

For more information try --help

Once in the host folder you can use cargo run to run the host. Without any arguments you'll get this useage info. So to run the example you would use the command cargo run -- -b gues -a name