
The Pyretic language and runtime system

Primary LanguagePython

=========== Pyretic FT

Pyretic fault tolerance library. Compose with ft and make your policy fault tolerant!

How to Run

  • download the code in the branch ft-course
  • compose the policy with ft class of pyretic
  • add call to addft() and specify flows and end-points (switches only)


  • independent flows while calling addft()
  • does not handle multiple link failures at a time

Example code

from pyretic.lib.corelib import *
from pyretic.lib.std import *
from pyretic.lib.ft import *

def define_operator_policy():
        default_policy = if_(match(dstmac = EthAddr('00:00:00:00:00:02'), switch = 1, dstport = 80), fwd(2), flood())
        default_policy = if_(match(dstmac = EthAddr('00:00:00:00:00:01'), switch = 1, inport=2), fwd(1), default_policy)
        default_policy = if_(match(dstmac = EthAddr('00:00:00:00:00:02'), switch = 2, dstport = 80), fwd(2), default_policy)
        default_policy = if_(match(dstmac = EthAddr('00:00:00:00:00:01'), switch = 2, inport=2), fwd(1), default_policy)
        default_policy = if_(match(dstmac = EthAddr('00:00:00:00:00:02'), switch = 3, dstport = 80), fwd(1), default_policy)
        default_policy = if_(match(dstmac = EthAddr('00:00:00:00:00:01'), switch = 3, inport=1), fwd(2), default_policy)
        return default_policy

def main():
        ft_ = ft(define_operator_policy())
        ft_.addft(match(dstport=80), match(srcport=80), 1, 3)
        return ft_


Example run

Demo 1 - Choose the path(s) minimizing total rules

  • Start the controller
cd ~/pyretic
pyretic.py pyretic.demo.conflict.conflict_test
  • Start mininet in the other terminal and execute the following commands. Observe that after the link goes down, the traffic does not flow from h1 to h2.
cd ~/pyretic
sudo mn --custom pyretic/demo/conflict/conflictTopo.py --topo mytopo --switch ovsk --link tc --controller=remote --mac
h2 iperf -s -p 80 &
h1 iperf -c h2 -p 80
link s2 s3 down
h1 iperf -c h2 -p 80
  • Stop the controller and start another one with ft
pyretic.py pyretic.demo.conflict.conflict_test_with_ft
  • Test with mininet again. Observe that even after the link goes down, the traffic flows from h1 to h2. The traffic flows from the high bandwidth path.
link s2 s3 up
h1 iperf -c h2 -p 80
link s2 s3 down
h1 iperf -c h2 -p 80

Demo 2 - Not full graph search

  • Start the controller
cd ~/pyretic
pyretic.py pyretic.demo.longpath.longpath_test
  • Start mininet in the other terminal and execute the following commands. Observe that after the link goes down, the traffic does not flow from h1 to h2.
cd ~/pyretic
sudo python pyretic/demo/longpath/longpathTopo.py 8 3 4
h2 iperf -s -p 80 &
h1 iperf -c h2 -p 80
link s1 s4 down
h1 iperf -c h2 -p 80
  • Stop the controller and start another one with ft
pyretic.py pyretic.demo.longpath.longpath_test_with_ft
  • Test with mininet again. Observe that even after the link goes down, the traffic flows from h1 to h2.
link s1 s4 up
h1 iperf -c h2 -p 80
link s1 s4 down
h1 iperf -c h2 -p 80