
This python script can be used to remove HTML from text in a particular column in a CSV file.

Primary LanguagePython

Removes HTML tags from a column in a .csv file

About :

The python script runs 2 versions of cleaning and returns a file with 4 additional columns:

  1. Regex matching with "<>" , "&;"(with 4 or 5 characters in between) anything in between will be removed and "\*" will be replaced with a white space character. Note: the special characters will simply be removed. eg: &nbsp; &rpos; etc.
  2. BeautifulSoup HTML to text conversion. This will remove HTML tags and convert special characters into their respective ASCII characters
  3. 2 parity columns which will return the difference in the number of charcters between the newly generated columns and the original columns. (This is basically a flag that you can check if there has been too many characters replaced)

How to use

You need to install these modules:

  • pandas
  • bs4
  • lxml example: python -m pip install bs4 lxml pandas
  1. Place the file in the same directory as the csv file
  2. open terminal at the file location windows : ctrl+ r then cmd then cd <path to file>
  3. Type: python remove_html.py and hit enter
  4. Follow the instructions
  5. You are done.

Future plans

  1. Auto detect filetype
  2. multicolumn support