
Application to isolate drums/percussion from audio recordings.

Primary LanguageC++

DrumBooth Prototype v0.2

DCOM4 Final Year Project 2016

Sean Breen - R00070693 sean.breen@mycit.ie

DrumBooth takes an audio file and separates it into its harmonic and percussive components using median filtering. It works by performing a median filter on each time frame to eliminate horizontal transients and leave vertical noise untouched, and on each frequency bin to eliminate noise and leave harmonics untouched. Runs on Windows. Built with [JUCE] (www.juce.com), [FFTReal] (http://ldesoras.free.fr/prod.html) and [Eigen] (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/).


From cmd, navigate to directory where executable is located and execute

> MedianFiltering.exe [path-to-file]

where file is an audio file in WAV, FLAC or MP3 format with sample rate of 44.1kHz.


Original: screenshot2

Extracted Harmonic Components: screenshot3

Extracted Percussive Components: screenshot4

Best result are achieved with high-quality wav or flac files, less than 3 minutes and 30 seconds long. Any file greater than 3 minutes and 30 seconds in length may cause the application to crash. A fix for this is incoming.