Hibernate - create CinemaHall and MovieSession

Let's continue working on our Cinema project.

Your task is to implement the following steps:

  • create src/main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml
  • create CinemaHall class
  • create MovieSession class - be careful adding relations with Movie and CinemaHall
  • add implementations of getAll() method to MovieDaoImpl and MovieServiceImpl
  • create CinemaHallDaoImpl and CinemaHallServiceImpl. The service layer should have the following methods:
    CinemaHall add(CinemaHall cinemaHall);

    CinemaHall get(Long id);

    List<CinemaHall> getAll();
  • create MovieSessionDaoImpl and MovieSessionServiceImpl. The service layer should have the following methods:
    MovieSession add(MovieSession movieSession);

    MovieSession get(Long id);

    List<MovieSession> findAvailableSessions(Long movieId, LocalDate date);

Keep in mind that method findAvailableSessions() expects a LocalDate that represents the day chosen by a customer to visit our cinema, so your task here is to return all MovieSessions that will be running between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on that particular day.

  • in the mate/academy/Main.main() method create instances of new services using injector and test all their methods
  • use annotations and the annotation injector located in the lib folder

Model structure
