
Each project proposal contains:

  • A one paragraph description of the overall project.
  • A one paragraph explanation of how the proposal is linked to the educational goals of this class and why this goal is an important goal (see list of subject in Initial Survey or slide 7 and 8 in CIS3296Introduction.pptx).
  • A one paragraph description of your proposed contribution.
  • A URL reference to the project. Add text describing on how to sucessfully build and run the project.

Note: contributing to an open-source project is preferred. You may propose a stand-alone project, but if you do, it must be submitted as an open-source project. You also need to submit with the proposal a skeleton starter code (Hello World kind) in the appropriate programming language and using the appropriate libraries if needed for your project.

Note: in picking an open-source project you should download the source and make sure that you can build the code before committing to use it in your project. Linking to the how to build page on the project site is not enough, you need to successfully build it and report on the step you took including version of operating system and programming language.

Note: this is an individual assignment all students have to come with a personal proposal. Teams will be formed later to work on a selection of the more interesting proposals.

Note: if selected in a later stage, a team of four students will be formed to realize the proposal. You will be able to choose any teammate even if you have already worked with them on a previous assignment.

What to submit

Create two new files named and YourName_ProjectTitle.png for your proposal. Use as a template.