
Generate RAT and gain meterpreter session.

Primary LanguagePython

##python-rootkit Goal: This is a rootkit to bypass almost all antivirus and open a backdoor inside any windows machine which will establish a reverse https Metasploit connection to your listening machine.


  • Generate the rootkit exe file using py2exe
  • Blind it with any photo, pdf, word or any kind of files
  • Send it to the victim
  • Use your social engineer skills to make him open the file
  • You will recieve a reverse https metasoplit connection :)

Testing on:

  • Windows 7 32bit
  • Winodws 7 64bit
  • Widowns 8 32bit
  • Windows 8 64bit
  • Windows 8.1 32bit
  • Windows 8.1 64 bit
  • Windows 10 32bit
  • Windows 10 64bit