

  1. copy gs-tms2wms-2.19.0.jar and paste to geoserver/WEB-INF/lib folder
  2. restart Geoserver
  3. add new DataStore
  4. Select TMS service under Raster Datastore
  5. select file and save
  6. publish tms layer end

.properties file

smple file is OpenStreetMap Tms service => layer name

tile.width=256 => Tile X size of original TMS service

tile.height=256 => Tile Y size of original TMS service

tile.origin.x=-20037508.34 => Origin coordinates of tile service (tile index x : 0)

tile.origin.y=20037508.34 => Origin coordinates of tile service (tile index y : 0)

maxresolution=78271.516953125 => max resolution (width(height) of real coordinates / image width(height))

zoomlevel=20 => zoom level of Original tms service

service.start.level=0 => The number at which the zoom level starts => CRS of original tms service

extent=-20037508.34,-20037508.34,20037508.34,20037508.34 => extent of original tms service

blank.image.url=http://your.blank.img/blank.png => If the tile does not exist, alternative image URL => Change if not normal tile numbering rules

url.pattern= => Tile service URL pattern. [%LEVEL%,%COL%,%ROW%] It is replaced by the system.

url.y_order=TB => How to increase the y-index of a tile. TB : TOP to BOTTOM, BT : BOTTOM to TOP

outline=true => Each tile is marked with a red border and the tile index number is indicated.

tile.cache=false => Set to 'true' if the tile will be saved to the server folder.
