
Downloads the transactions of your EMC shop.

Primary LanguageJava

EMC Shopkeeper is a Java Swing application that allows Empire Minecraft players to track their in-game shop sales.

For more information, see the project's Github.io page.

Build instructions


  • Java 8 or higher
  • Maven
  1. Install the "lib/microba-" library into your local Maven repository. This must be done because this library does not exist on Maven Central:
    mvn install:install-file \
    -Dfile=lib/microba- \
    -DgroupId=microba \
    -DartifactId=microba \
    -Dversion= \
  2. Create the fat JAR by running:
    mvn clean compile assembly:single

Command-line interface

EMC Shopkeeper includes a limited command-line interface:

General arguments
These arguments can be used for the GUI and CLI.
  The profile to use (defaults to "default").

  The path to the directory that contains all the profiles
  (defaults to "USER_HOME/.emc-shopkeeper").

  Overrides the database location (stored in the profile by default).

  The log level to use (defaults to INFO).

CLI arguments
Using one of these arguments will launch EMC Shopkeeper in CLI mode.
  Updates the database with the latest transactions.
  Specifies the transaction history page number to start at during
  the first update (defaults to 1).
  Specifies the transaction history page number to stop at during
  the first update (defaults to the last page).

  Shows the net gains/losses of each item.  Examples:
  All data:               --query
  Today's data:           --query="today"
  Data since last update: --query="since last update"
  Three days of data:     --query="2013-03-07 to 2013-03-09"
  Data up to today:       --query="2013-03-07 to today"
  Specifies how to render the queried transaction data (defaults to TABLE).

  Outputs every transaction in chronological order in CSV format.  Examples:
  All data:               --export
  Today's data:           --export="today"
  Data since last update: --export="since last update"
  Three days of data:     --export="2013-03-07 to 2013-03-09"
  Data up to today:       --export="2013-03-07 to today"

  Prints the version of this program.

  Prints this help message.

This program is a fan creation and is not affiliated with Minecraft (copyright Mojang) or Empire Minecraft (copyright Starlis).