
Age of Empires 2 Random Map Script syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

MIT LicenseMIT

AoE2 Random Map Scripting

Age of Empires 2 Random Map Scripting support for Sublime Text

Screeshot of syntax highlighting


  • Install Package Control for Sublime Text.
  • Select Install Package in command palette, then search aoe2-rms.

Release Notes

0.2.1, 0.2.2

  • Allowed identifiers to start with digits.


  • Separated VS Code and Sublime Text support into two repos as they're becoming quite different.
  • Pulled latest changes from VS Code extension.


  • Fixed highlighting of command blocks that start on the same line: create_object TOWN_CENTER { ... }.
  • Fixed parsing if and elseif where identifier is valid but not UPPER_CASE. Identifiers can be almost anything.


  • Fixed highlighting of inline comments after commands and directives.
  • Added meta info: LICENSE file, links to the repo in package.json.


  • Added syntax highlighting.