
Estonian ID-card login auth moodule to Moodle

Primary LanguagePHP

Estonin ID-card (http://id.ee) login auth module to Moodle (http://moodle.org).

Real authentication takes place in file login.php (that file needs to have access to ID-card data)


1. Copy this module to directory <Your Moodle code root>/auth/est_id_card/

2. Make sure the file <Your Moodle code root>/auth/est_id_card/login.php has access to ID-card data (this is Your web server configuration)

3. Visit Moodle administration panel to install the module

4. (Optional) To show up "Login with ID-card" button: comment out function loginpage_idp_list() in <Your Moodle code root>/auth/est_id_card/auth.php and/or edit other Moodle files

Example edit of <Your Moodle code root>/blocks/login/block_login.php (requires "idkaart.gif" image in theme folder):

<line 64>
+            // Login with Estonian ID-card: begin
+            $this->content->text .=
+                '<div style="padding-top:10px">'.
+                    '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/auth/est_id_card/login.php">'.
+                        '<img src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/theme/image.php?theme=anomaly&image=idkaart" title="'.
+                            get_string('login_with_id_card', 'auth_est_id_card').'">'.
+                '</a></div>';
+            // Login with Estonian ID-card: end