
Run a local eos-node and deploy smart contract eos.msig, eos.token, eos.system. Convenient way to make local evn test

Primary LanguageWebAssembly

Steps to start test nodeos

I assume eosios was installed correctly on your machine. It means that you can run nodeos normally.

All you need to do is run below commands in sequence:




Let explain them a bit.

Clean up

clean_up.sh will kill all process with pattern keosd or nodeos, and then remove all temp folder in current directory. Temp folders are node1*.

Start genesis node

start_genesis_node.sh follow instruction in https://developers.eos.io/eosio-nodeos/docs/bios-boot-sequence.

  1. start_keosd.sh starts the wallet service
  2. setup_bp.sh config needed system smart contracts and set up some sample data
  3. utils.sh is convenient functions. I made it for make orther scripts look simple

TIP: ./clean_up.sh && ./start_genesis_node.sh && tail -f ./logs/node10.log

Add block producer

To create bps and connect it to our genesis node. Let's run script generate_start_bps_cmd.sh.

The script will register block producer accounts then vote for them. Later it prints out commands which you can use to start your bps.

# sample outputed commands are
nodeos -e -p accountnum11 --genesis-json ./genesis.json --data-dir ./node11 --config-dir ./config --http-server-address --p2p-listen-endpoint --signature-provider EOS74hRF6C4TWnAY1MWJwFdE4NKnoYSazcTBGUEBqqP41aa2BR6Jc=KEY:5JqfpZngJysPemfhkWU2tT99SmP8uVR9MLzCPxSoT5UoHNpoYKh --p2p-peer-address localhost:8890 --p2p-peer-address localhost:8892 --p2p-peer-address localhost:8893 3>&1 1>./logs/node11.log 2>&1 &

nodeos -e -p accountnum12 --genesis-json ./genesis.json --data-dir ./node12 --config-dir ./config --http-server-address --p2p-listen-endpoint --signature-provider EOS74hRF6C4TWnAY1MWJwFdE4NKnoYSazcTBGUEBqqP41aa2BR6Jc=KEY:5JqfpZngJysPemfhkWU2tT99SmP8uVR9MLzCPxSoT5UoHNpoYKh --p2p-peer-address localhost:8890 --p2p-peer-address localhost:8893 --p2p-peer-address localhost:8891 3>&1 1>./logs/node12.log 2>&1 &

nodeos -e -p accountnum13 --genesis-json ./genesis.json --data-dir ./node13 --config-dir ./config --http-server-address --p2p-listen-endpoint --signature-provider EOS74hRF6C4TWnAY1MWJwFdE4NKnoYSazcTBGUEBqqP41aa2BR6Jc=KEY:5JqfpZngJysPemfhkWU2tT99SmP8uVR9MLzCPxSoT5UoHNpoYKh --p2p-peer-address localhost:8890 --p2p-peer-address localhost:8891 --p2p-peer-address localhost:8892 3>&1 1>./logs/node13.log 2>&1 &


I only start 3 nodes because running 4 EOS instance on the local environment causes my early 2015 mac-book to be halted many times.