

The sources is used for extracting information from ID card. With very limited data, I only try with old Vietnamese identity cards, the data mainly collected from id card on various pages from whom lost their identity cards. Though the data is still very limited, I tried use some blending function for generation to generate more data for training.

The pineline of this sources consists of 3 steps:

  1. Detect 4 corners of the card by keypoints, warp them in a straight alignment

  2. Use segmentation for line detection fo extract the boundary of each type of info

    • Front Face
      • id identity
      • name
      • birthday
      • countryside
      • address
      • sex (for cccd)
      • nationality (for cccd)
      • date_of_expory (for cccd)
    • Back Face (Upcoming...)
  3. Use OCR to read the text for each type of info

Work flow

Quick Start Tutorial

Prepare checkpoints You should download each checkpoint for each module and place it in its ckpts path according to the pretrained models I prepare in here.

Keypoint detection

Module type Chung Minh Thu Can Cuoc Cong Dan
Link download Google Drive / One Drive Google Drive / One Drive

Line detection

Module type Chung Minh Thu Can Cuoc Cong Dan
FPN Google Drive / One Drive Google Drive / One Drive
PAN Google Drive / One Drive Google Drive / One Drive


Module type VietOCR
VGG_Seq2Seq Google Drive / One Drive
VGG_Transformer Google Drive / One Drive

Example save checkpoints

|-- keypoint_detector_weights
|   |-- cmt_final_500m_kpts_weights
|   |   |-- best.pth
|   |   `--
|   |-- cmt_final_500m_kpts_weights
|   |   |-- best.pth
|   |   `--
|   `-- ...
|-- line_detector_weights
|   `-- FPN
|       |-- cmt_resnet50
|       |   |-- best_model.pth
|       |   `-- label_map.txt
|       |-- cccd_resnet50
|       |   |-- best_model.pth
|       |   `--
|       `-- ...
|-- information_extractor_weights
|   |-- vgg_seq2seq
|   |   `-- seq2seqocr.pth
|   |-- vgg_transformer
|   |   `-- transformerocr.pth
|   `-- ...



Set up dependencies

For cuda usage

Set up new conda environment

conda create -n id_card python=3.9.11
conda activate id_card

Install cudatoolkit according to your current cuda version. Here I install cudatoolkit 11.3.0 according to my current cuda

conda install cuda -c nvidia
conda install cuda -c nvidia/label/cuda-11.3.0

Install suitable pytorch libraries and install several dependencies

conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install -r

For cpu usage only

Set up new conda environment

conda create -n id_card python=3.9.11
conda activate id_card

Install suitable pytorch libraries and install several dependencies

conda install torch torchvision torchaudio
pip install -r
Card Extractor Package

Initialize the package

from CardExtractor import CardExtractor

cmt_extractor = CardExtractor(hyps_file='hyps/cmt_default_hyps.yaml') # for Chứng minh thư
cccd_extractor = CardExtractor(hyps_file='hyps/cccd_default_hyps.yaml') # for Căn cước công dân

The package reading hyperparameters from hyps file input. Then you can use the package for scanning information from id card with some options.

Hyps file is in hyps folder, you can read the description and change the parameters, checkpoints for all models contained in ckpts folder, you can choose checkpoint for each model from that folder.

Hyps file format:

# kpts model options
use_kpts_model: True
kpts_checkpoint: 'ckpts/keypoint_detector_weights/cccd_final_500m_kpts_weights'  # keypoint ckpt model dir
kpts_thr: 0.6  # kpts confidence threshold
kpts_out_width: 500  # kpts output width
kpts_out_height: 300 # kpts output height

# line model options
labelmap: 'ckpts/line_detector_weights/FPN/cccd_resnet50/labelmap.txt'  # label infos file
line_model_bacbone: 'resnet50'  # line model backbone
line_model_encoder_pretrained: 'imagenet'  # line model pretrained for backbone
line_checkpoint: 'ckpts/line_detector_weights/FPN/cccd_resnet50'  # line ckpt model dir
ignores_list: ['background', 'bg']  # ignored class from labelmap

# ocr model options
ocr_config_name: 'vgg_seq2seq'
# ocr_config_name: 'vgg_transformer'
ocr_weights: 'ckpts/information_extractor_weights/vgg_seq2seq/seq2seqocr.pth'

# other options
save_dir: 'runs'  # save directory for information extraction
no_gpu: True   # unable gpu
delay: 60  # delay time for real time scanning

return_kpts_coords: False
return_segment_coords: False
return_card_information: True
print_infos: True
quantity: 20
batch_size: 8

Scanning from one image

Used for scanning just one image from input.

card_infos = cccd_extractor.scan_from_img('path/to/img.jpg')

Mini note Since kpts model not so good and if the card very near the camera lens, you can set this option False to not use kpts model, otherwise set True

card_infos output example:

Input image Output layout Output results
drawing drawing drawing
drawing drawing drawing
drawing drawing drawing

Scanning from images directory

Used for scanning all images in particular directory.

Usage is similar to scanning from one image, just change image path to images directory.

scanned_informations_list = card_extractor.scan_from_dir('path/to/imgs_dir')

Output is list of informations extracted from each image in directory.


  • Scanning from cam
  • Scanning from webcam
  • Clean code (still lot of leftover dirty code)
  • Add PAN for line detection