
I'm using Windows as Operating System and PowerShell as my default Command Line

Tools and Technology (I'm using)


  1. Install all the Tools and Softwares mentioned above
  2. Clone the Repo into your Home directory
  3. Open PowerShell as Administrator and run the below commands
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
    Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
  4. Open CMD and run the below commands to create Symlinks
    Make Sure to change the name from manib to your-name and directories(If needed)
    mklink "C:\Users\manib\.gitconfig" "C:\Users\manib\.dotfiles\.gitconfig"
    mklink "C:\Users\manib\.gvimrc" "C:\Users\manib\.dotfiles\.gvimrc"
    mklink "C:\Users\manib\.vimrc" "C:\Users\manib\.dotfiles\.vimrc"
    mklink "C:\Users\manib\_vimrc" "C:\Users\manib\.dotfiles\_vimrc"
    mklink "C:\Users\manib\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\profile.ps1" "C:\Users\manib\.dotfiles\profile.ps1"