
Steam Mobile Guard authenticator, written in Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Steam Mobile Guard authenticator, written in Java


Idea and algorithms taken from geel9/SteamAuth


Currently this library can:

  • Emulate installed steam mobile authenticator for android (with authenticator working on the phone)
  • Login to a user account
  • Generate login codes for a given Shared Secret
  • Fetch, accept, and deny mobile confirmations

Far far away features (maybe some day)

  • Link and activate a new mobile authenticator to a user account after logging in
  • Remove itself from an account


This library using:

  • JUnit
  • FasterXML Jackson
  • OkHTTP
  • Apache Commons - codec


No time to explain :) Some usage examplex:

Accept/deny confirmation

  1. Create SteamGuardAccount with appropriate config
  2. Call UserLoginService.DoLogin with username and password
    1. If LoginResult.State = LoginResultState.NEED_2FA then call UserLoginService.DoLogin, but now set Requires2FA to true and TwoFactorCode to SteamGuardAccount.GenerateSteamGuardCode value for request
    2. If LoginResult.State = LoginResultState.NEED_CAPTCHA then call UserLoginService.DoLogin, but now set RequiresCaptcha to true, CaptchaGID to CaptchaGID from response and CaptchaText to text from CAPTCHA at "https://steamcommunity.com/public/captcha.php?gid=" + CaptchaGID
  3. Set received session to the SteamGuardAccount
  4. Call SteamGuardAccount.FetchConfirmations to get array of confirmations
    1. Call SteamGuardAccount.AcceptConfirmation to accept confirmation
    2. Call SteamGuardAccount.DenyConfirmation to deny confirmation

Steam Mobile Reverse

Already some one made guide here - https://github.com/hyt47/SteamDesktopAuthenticator-Mod-47/wiki/Manually-import-your-Steam-Account-from-Android

P.S. You'll need "Steamguard-[SteamID]" file in /data/data/com.valvesoftware.android.steam.community/files