Steam Mobile Guard authenticator, written in Java
Idea and algorithms taken from geel9/SteamAuth
Currently this library can:
- Emulate installed steam mobile authenticator for android (with authenticator working on the phone)
- Login to a user account
- Generate login codes for a given Shared Secret
- Fetch, accept, and deny mobile confirmations
- Link and activate a new mobile authenticator to a user account after logging in
- Remove itself from an account
This library using:
- JUnit
- FasterXML Jackson
- Apache Commons - codec
No time to explain :) Some usage examplex:
- Create SteamGuardAccount with appropriate config
- Call UserLoginService.DoLogin with username and password
- If LoginResult.State = LoginResultState.NEED_2FA then call UserLoginService.DoLogin, but now set Requires2FA to true and TwoFactorCode to SteamGuardAccount.GenerateSteamGuardCode value for request
- If LoginResult.State = LoginResultState.NEED_CAPTCHA then call UserLoginService.DoLogin, but now set RequiresCaptcha to true, CaptchaGID to CaptchaGID from response and CaptchaText to text from CAPTCHA at "" + CaptchaGID
- Set received session to the SteamGuardAccount
- Call SteamGuardAccount.FetchConfirmations to get array of confirmations
- Call SteamGuardAccount.AcceptConfirmation to accept confirmation
- Call SteamGuardAccount.DenyConfirmation to deny confirmation
Already some one made guide here -
P.S. You'll need "Steamguard-[SteamID]" file in /data/data/