Pinned Repositories
Design AI Snake Game and a Manual Snake Game using Pygame with Reinforcement Learning in ML.
AI/ML Project on Breast Cancer Prediction (Python) using ML- Algorithms : Logisitic Regression, Decision Tree Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, Support Vector Machine Classifier, Gaussian Naive Bayes Algorithm Model, Stochastic gradient descent Classifier, Gradient Boosting Classifier . And also perform a comparative analysis of all the seven algorithms & conclude to the best ML-Model.
Developing a cryptography app in python to encrypt and decrypt a user input normal text message when the key is provided.
Create Read Update Delete(CRUD) to a real-time Database server like Firebase using Python.
Designing Convolutional Neural Network to classify Hand-Gesture. Also design OpenCV based Hand Gesture Recognition application.
Build a movies recommendation system clone using Movielens dataset to construct recommendation system such as Simple recommender, Content based recommender (based on movie description and metadata) , Collaborative-Filtering based recommender , and a Hybrid recommender system.
Python Essential Assignments - Letsupgrade Python Essentials Course. Experimenting with various default functions of string,List and Dictionary in Python. Using Python Loops and conditional statements to print various programs. Dealing with opening,reading,writing a file in python. Also defining a function to provide a factorial of an integer given by user.
A Python Script which we can use to send emails to our friends and family members over internet.
Designing a simple application on Title Generation from Paragraph using Natural Language Processing. The Data can be either taken from website or a text file to identify keywords from any content.
A Python program to open a (GUI) window where we can put a youtube video link and click the download button to download it into the required folder.
mani24singh's Repositories
Designing Convolutional Neural Network to classify Hand-Gesture. Also design OpenCV based Hand Gesture Recognition application.
Python Essential Assignments - Letsupgrade Python Essentials Course. Experimenting with various default functions of string,List and Dictionary in Python. Using Python Loops and conditional statements to print various programs. Dealing with opening,reading,writing a file in python. Also defining a function to provide a factorial of an integer given by user.
Designing a simple application on Title Generation from Paragraph using Natural Language Processing. The Data can be either taken from website or a text file to identify keywords from any content.
Design AI Snake Game and a Manual Snake Game using Pygame with Reinforcement Learning in ML.
AI/ML Project on Breast Cancer Prediction (Python) using ML- Algorithms : Logisitic Regression, Decision Tree Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, Support Vector Machine Classifier, Gaussian Naive Bayes Algorithm Model, Stochastic gradient descent Classifier, Gradient Boosting Classifier . And also perform a comparative analysis of all the seven algorithms & conclude to the best ML-Model.
Developing a cryptography app in python to encrypt and decrypt a user input normal text message when the key is provided.
Amazon order shipment working for prime and non-prime membersship users. To study how amazon give additional shopping order benafits to the subscribed members over other users.
Train and Deploy Face Recognition Attendance system using ML & DL with Trained Model. Face Dataset is created using Haarcascade algorithm & database in csv file. Preprocessing & Extracting facial features of dataset images as Embeddings is performed using DL.
To write basic python programs on mathematical operation with reading input from user, Looping statements, Functions etc.
Basic programs on OpenCV to read, write & show image and also get image properties. Also, convert color image into gray scale image.
Design Neural Network to train for "Pima-Indians-Diabetes" and test it with trained Dataset to detect Diabetes.
Real-Time Drowsiness detection using Dlib's 68-Landmark Predictor. Also writing a program to count eye-blinks and display it in a Output Frame.
Design an application for Face Detection and Tracking using Haar-Cascade Frontal Face Algorithm
Real-Time Emotion Recognition application design using Emotion recognition library.
Face Recognition design using python programming with OpenCV and create Dataset for the Face Recognition. Also deploy same application using IPWebcam (Android Mobile Camera).
Deploying Fake News Detection using Machine Learning algorithms and describing performance accuracy of model with Confusion matrix.
Designing Gujarati Character Recognition using CNN | Train, Classify with GUI-(PyQt5). Also add a program to browse image and display it in Image Label.
Image recognition using CNN | Train & Test. Dataset Created collecting data from GOOGLE based on keyword from python program.
Label Reading using Optical Character Recognition-Tesseract OCR to recognize text present in image and save in text file. Also design the same application to capture current frame from camera display feed.
Designing Neural Network to train for Leaf Disease Detection. Also, train leaf disease detection for custom dataset and classify leaf disease using the camera input for trained Model.
License Plate Recognition from Image and from Camera using OpenALR (Automatic License Plate Recognizer). Also, create a vehicle identifier which recognizes vehicle and prints its information stored in the excel database.
Python Program for Moving Object Detection application at real-time using Webcamera with OpenCV. Also, modify our program to get displayable counting on appearance of an Object.
Deploying Real-Time Object Recognition application using Pre-trained Model (MobileNet SSD) with DNN.
Object Tracking based on Color at real-time using OpenCV and Color-Tuning based on Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV).
Training and Deploying Machine Learning algorithm for Power Monitoring System of Energy Meter with more accuracy.
This repository consists of different concepts with various programs on python language. It involves usage of basic & advance python which is used to create few python game projects like (Snake-water-gun)-Game, (The perfect Guess)-Game, and also a project on Library management system which uses object oriented programming.
Deploying a Road sign recognition application using GTSRB dataset from kaggle, Also, Deploy same application in real time using webcamera or mobile camera
Real-Time training & testing of Speech Recognition using CNN & Emotion or Sentiment analysis of sentence in tweets. Also merge the two applications to predict the user input words as negative,positive or neutral.
How Swiggy ChatBot Works using NLP
Deploying Vehicle Detection and Tracking using xml file. Also adding two cameras to the application representing North & South.