
Frontend For COVID-19 Stats using API Data

Primary LanguageEJS


The api part is a fork from https://github.com/NovelCOVID/API + some fixes (due to CORS and outdated code was not working) API Credits: https://github.com/javieraviles/covidAPI District level stats added to the app

As analysing, evaluating and monitoring the risks are the most important steps in the Risk Management Plan, We are going to build a web application that helps follow this particular plan accordingly. Our web-app will provide live information on the number of cases all over the world and also in particular countries as well. We will be providing information on different categories on our app such as the number of actively confirmed cases, recovered cases, deaths caused and much more. By monitoring the live status and keeping track of the overview, businesses could be planned and well prepared about their functioning correspondingly.

As we drive through the current situation, dealing with the COVID-19 emergency, employee safety in the workplace is a top priority for all organizations. Smart working surely represents the best containment measure, but is not always applicable: many people working in strategic sectors still need to go to their workplace - and the highest safety level must be ensured in this case.

Knowing if and when someone has been potentially exposed to COVID-19 is key for them - unfortunately, it's not an easy information to obtain due to the virus' long incubation period and extreme contagiousness even through asymptomatic subjects.

To support companies during this complex phase, Techedge has developed COVID-19 Tracker: a solution that allows organizations to monitor their workforce probability of being exposed to the virus and the risk of being infected - enabling to take timely decisions to limit the spread, promptly informing the exposed employees and performing targeted sanitization activities on the involved locations.

The year 2020 will be forever marked in history by the worldwide outbreak of the pandemic caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). As the virus began to spread globally, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared on the 30th of January 2020 that COVID-19 was a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The virus outbreak has changed the lifestyle of everyone around the world forcing governments to mandate lockdowns, recommend self-isolation, stipulate work-from-home policies, instigate strict social distancing criteria, and deploy emergency health responses. All these measures are aimed at decreasing the rate of spread of the virus and leading to a so-called ‘flattening of the curve’1 until an approved vaccine is developed.


The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has taken the world by surprise, forcing lockdowns and straining public health care systems. COVID-19 is known to be a highly infectious virus, and infected individuals do not initially exhibit symptoms, while some remain asymptomatic. Thus, a non-negligible fraction of the population can, at any given time, be a hidden source of transmissions. In response, many governments have shown great interest in smartphone contact tracing apps that help automate the difficult task of tracing all recent contacts of newly identified infected individuals. However, tracing apps have generated much discussion around their key attributes, including system architecture, data management, privacy, security, proximity estimation, and attack vulnerability


In this article, we provide the first comprehensive review of these much-discussed tracing app attributes. We also present an overview of many proposed tracing app examples, some of which have been deployed countrywide, and discuss the concerns users have reported regarding their usage. We close by outlining potential research directions for next-generation app design, which would facilitate improved tracing and security performance, as well as wide adoption by the population at large. To support companies during this complex phase, Techedge has developed COVID-19 Tracker: a solution that allows organizations to monitor their workforce probability of being exposed to the virus and the risk of being infected - enabling to take timely decisions to limit the spread, promptly informing the exposed employees and performing targeted sanitization activities on the involved locations.

Project Resource Requirements

❖ Technologies Needed

  1. The project requires the Node.js open source server environment to be downloaded and installed on the host system.

  2. app.js files contain tasks that will be executed on certain events

  3. Express Framework to setup the server

  4. Axios methos to make requests to the API

  5. HTML, CSS, JS and Bootstrap to make a responsive website

  6. Local storage to compare the previous and current results

❖ Tools Used 1)VScode 2)Postman 3)Chrome

  • Hardware Requirements *
  1. It requires a working host system for local testing, later is deployed to heroku to make it available on internet

❖ Data Availability

  1. Rapid API
  2. Postman Labs