
Azure Deployments Minimum Permissions Finder (ARM, Terraform, Bicep)

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az-mpf utility (Azure Deployment Minimum Permissions Finder)

This utility finds the minimum permissions required for a given Azure deployment. This can help when you need to figure out the details of what permissions a service principal or managed identity will need to deploy a given ARM template or Terrform module. Similarly when assigning a Service Principal / Managed Identity to an Azure Policy Assignment, this utility can help you figure out the minimum permissions required by the Service Principal / Managed Identity to enforce/remediate the policy. It is recommended that the utility is used in a development or test environment to find the minimum permissions required.

How It works

The overview of how this utility works is as follows:


Following is the detailed flow of how this utility works:

  • The key parameters the utility needs are the Service Principal details (Client ID, Secret and Object ID) and details needed for the specific deployment provider:
    • ARM: ARM template file and parameters file needed
    • Terraform: Terraform module directory and variables file needed
  • The utility removes any existing Role Assignments for provided Service Principal
  • A Custom Role (with no assigned permissions) is created
  • The Service Principal (SP) is assigned the new custom role
  • For the above steps the utitity uses the default Azure CLI credentials which needs to have permissions to create custom role, and role assignments
  • For the following sub steps the Service Principal Credentials are used. These sub steps are re-tried till the deployment succeeds
    • Depending on the provider (ARM whatif, ARM fullDeployment, or Terraform) a deployment is tried
    • If the Service Principal does not have sufficient permissions an authorization error is returned by the deployment. If Authorization errors have occured, they are parsed to fetch the missing scopes and permissions. The authorizationErrorParser Tests provides details of the different kinds of Authorization errors typically received.
    • The missing permissions are added to the custom Role. This sub step uses default Azure CLI credentials to update role permissions.
  • Once no authorization error is received, the utility prints the permissions assigned to the Service Principal
  • The required permissions are displayed based on the display options. These options can be used to view the resource wise break up of permissions and also to export the result in JSON format
  • All resources created are cleaned up by the utility including the Role Assignments and Custom Role.

Supported Deployment Providers

  • Azure ARM Template: The ARM endpoints of both modes described below return multiple authorization errors at a time and as a result the final output is usually displayed in under 90 seconds, even for complex templates.
    • Whatif mode: This this the default ARM mode. It uses the ARM whatif endpoint to get the authorization errors and find the minimum permissions required for a deployment, without actually create any resources.
    • FullDeployment mode: This mode creates an ARM template deployment request and then parses the authorization errors to find the minimum permissions required for a deployment. The deployment and resource group are deleted as soon as we get past the authorization errors, and as a result most resources are not actually created. One advantage of this mode is that it is quicker than the whatif mode (Since responses from the whatif endpoint are not synchronous and take some time to get prepared)
  • Terraform: The Terraform mode finds the minimum permissions required for a deployment, by getting the authorization errors from the Terraform plan/apply, and destroy commands. All resources are cleaned up by the utility. Since terraform calls the ARM apis for one resource at a time, the authorization errors are not received in bulk, and as a result it can take quite long to get the final result. The overall time is the time taken to run the terraform plan/apply/destroy commands, plus the overhead of getting and parsing the authorization errors a few times.
  • Bicep (coming soon)

Flags and Environment Variables

The commands can be used with flags or environment variables. The following are the flags and environment variables supported by the utility:

Global Flags (Common to all providers)

Flag Environment Variable Required / Optional Description
subscriptionID MPF_SUBSCRIPTIONID Required
tenantID MPF_TENANTID Required
spClientID MPF_SPCLIENTID Required
spObjectID MPF_SPOBJECTID Required Note this is the SP Object id and is different from the Client ID
spClientSecret MPF_SPCLIENTSECRET Required
showDetailedOutput MPF_SHOWDETAILEDOUTPUT Optional If set to true, the output shows details of permissions resource wise as well. This is not needed if --jsonOutput is specified
jsonOutput MPF_JSONOUTPUT Optional If set to true, the detailed output is printed in JSON format
verbose MPF_VERBOSE Optional If set to true, verbose output with informational messages is displayed
debug MPF_DEBUG Optional If set to true, output with detailed debug messages is displayed. The debug messages may contain sensitive tokens

ARM Flags

Flag Environment Variable Required / Optional Description
templateFilePath MPF_TEMPLATEFILEPATH Required ARM template file with path
parametersFilePath MPF_PARAMETERSFILEPATH Required ARM template parameters file with path
resourceGroupNamePfx MPF_RESOURCEGROUPNAMEPFX Optional Prefix for the resource group name. If not provided, default prefix is testdeployrg. For ARM deployments this temporary resource group is created
deploymentNamePfx MPF_DEPLOYMENTNAMEPFX Optional Prefix for the deployment name. If not provided, default prefix is testDeploy. For ARM deployments this temporary deployment is created
location MPF_LOCATION Optional Location for the resource group. If not provided, default location is eastus
fullDeployment MPF_FULLDEPLOYMENT Optional If set to true, the utility tries to create all resources while finding the minimum permissions required. If not specified the ARM whatif endpoint is used and no resources are actually created

Terraform Flags

Flag Environment Variable Required / Optional Description
tfPath MPF_TFPATH Required Path to the Terraform executable
workingDir MPF_WORKINGDIR Required Path to the Terraform module directory
varFilePath MPF_VARFILEPATH Required Path to the Terraform variables file


You can download the latest version for your platform from the releases link.

For example, to download the latest version for Windows:

# Please change version in the URL to the latest version
curl -LO https://github.com/maniSbindra/az-mpf/releases/download/v0.7.0/az-mpf_0.7.0_windows_amd64.tar.gz
tar -xzf az-mpf_0.7.0_windows_amd64.tar.gz
mv az-mpf_0.7.0_windows_amd64 az-mpf.exe
chmod +x ./az-mpf.exe

And for Mac Arm64:

# Please change version in the URL to the latest version
curl -LO https://github.com/maniSbindra/az-mpf/releases/download/v0.7.0/az-mpf_0.7.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
tar -xzf az-mpf_0.7.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
mv az-mpf-darwin-arm64 az-mpf
chmod +x ./az-mpf

Verify Release Binaries using SLSA Verifier

The release binaries are signed using the SLSA (Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts) framework. You can verify the release binaries using the SLSA Verifier. The following steps show how to verify the release binary for darwin/arm64 against release 0.7.0, using the SLSA Verifier:

# download arm64 darwin release binary and the multiple.intoto.jsonl file
curl -LO https://github.com/maniSbindra/az-mpf/releases/download/v0.7.0/az-mpf_0.7.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
curl -LO https://github.com/maniSbindra/az-mpf/releases/download/v0.7.0/multiple.intoto.jsonl

# modify path to the slsa-verifier binary as per your installation and verify the release binary
$ /PATH_TO_VERIFER/slsa-verifier verify-artifact az-mpf_0.7.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz   --provenance-path multiple.intoto.jsonl   --source-uri github.com/maniSbindra/az-mpf  --source-tag v0.7.0

Verified signature against tlog entry index 76002620 at URL: https://rekor.sigstore.dev/api/v1/log/entries/24296fb24b8ad77ae67470bb23a7a809a475c46078739a61725936641b76508ac420e02e217475de
Verified build using builder "https://github.com/slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_generic_slsa3.yml@refs/tags/v1.9.0" at commit 648fe797c5b5253360ae1c6e60bd9521544209bc
Verifying artifact az-mpf_0.7.0_darwin_arm64.tar.gz: PASSED

PASSED: Verified SLSA provenance

Usage Details

ARM whatif mode (Default mode for ARM)


$ ./az-mpf arm --templateFilePath ./samples/templates/aks-private-subnet.json --parametersFilePath ./samples/templates/aks-private-subnet-parameters.json

Permissions Required:

ARM fullDeployment mode


$ ./az-mpf arm --templateFilePath ./samples/templates/aks-private-subnet.json --parametersFilePath ./samples/templates/aks-private-subnet-parameters.json --fullDeployment

Permissions Required:



$ ./az-mpf terraform --workingDir `pwd`/samples/terraform/aci --varFilePath `pwd`/samples/terraform/aci/dev.vars.tfvars 
Permissions Required:

Is is also possible to additionally view detailed resource level permissions required as shown in the display options documents.

The blog post Figuring out the Minimum Permissions Required to Deploy an Azure ARM Template provides a more contextual usage scenario for az-mpf.

Display Options

To view details of display options the utility provides please refer to the display options document.

Building Locally

You can also build locally by cloning this repo and running make build.

Debugging Locally and Contributing

The CONTRIBUTING.md file provides details on how to debug locally and contribute to this project.