
Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

DevOpsBot Web Application

Solution Overview

Solution Overview

The main application logic is in the file devBotModules/vstsBot.coffee

Following features have been included in the initial release of devBot which is our DevOps Bot.

  1. Slack - VSTS task expander : If Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) project task number is mentioned in the slack channel in format task #tasknumber, the task expander gives the details of the task along with link to edit the task in VSTS
  2. Slack - VSTS build trigger : Authorised users can trigger VSTS builds using the format #triggerbuild buildnumber

integration with other components

  1. VSTS : Basic HTTP authentication is used to integrate with VSTS
  2. Slack Channel : Slack custom integration with the BOT is used, the slack token provided needs to be specified
  3. Build Admin REST API : when build trigger patter is detected this API is called to check if user has permissions to check if user has permissions to trigger builds . Please refer https://github.com/brijrajsingh/Azure-AD-AuthSlackID-API

Web App Configuration

Following Environment Variables / Appsettings are needed for the application

  1. SLACK_BOT_TOKEN : Bot custom integration token from slack
  2. VSO_USERNAME : VSO username for basic http authentication
  3. VSO_PASSWORD : VSO Password for basic http authentication
  4. VSO_BASEURL : VSO base url for account
  5. DEFAULT_PROJECT : VSO default project to trigger builds
  6. BUILD_API_BASE_URL : Build API base url
  7. BUILD_API_USER : Build api user name for basic http authentication
  8. BUILD_API_PASS : Build api password for basic http authentication

Other Key Points

This demo has been built using Node Slack Client

Node.js Slack Client Library (node-slack v2.0.0)