
Repository to demonstrate a phased canary release of a application using Kubernetes, istio and helm

Primary LanguagePython

Respository to show Canary deployment strategy using k8s, istio, and helm

The productpage app from istio docs is being used as the sample application to demonstrate this strategy

Following post explains the strategy in more detail

Strategy Stages

  • STEADY STATE - 100 percent traffic to production deployment pods (which have current version of application)

  • 10 % traffic to Canary deployment pods (Vnext of App) and 90% to production deployment (Current version of app)

  • 90 % traffic to Canary deployment pods (Vnext of App) and 10% to production deployment (Current version of app)

  • 100 % traffic to Canary deployment pods (Vnext of App) and 0% to production deployment (Current version of app)

  • 100 % traffic to Canary deployment pods (Vnext of App) and do rolling updgrade of production deployment pods to move them to Vnext of App

  • 100 percent traffic to production deployment pods (which now have Vnext of App) and 0% to canary deployment pods (Vnext of app)

  • NEW STEADY STATE : 100 % to production deployment pods (Vnext of App) , 0% to canary deployment pods, and 0 replicas of canary deployment

Repository structure:

  • productpage folder contains
  • ./helm-commands.sh : has the helm command for each stage, including rollback command and helm template command
  • helm-template-output.yaml : contains the kubernetes resources generated using the sample helm command