Simple LoRa gateway implementation for DycodeX's LoRa Raspberry Pi Hat.
Make sure you have wiringPi and bcm2835 library installed on your Pi. If you don't install it this way:
wget -c
tar zvxf bcm2835-1.52.tar.gz
sudo make check
sudo make install
For detailed instruction, please see this link.
On most Pi, this library is installed by default. Check the installation by running:
gpio -v
If there's no error, then wiringPi is already installed. You can skip the installation section below.
To install wiringPi, you must have git installed on your system.
Then excute these commands:
git clone git://
cd wiringPi
Then, check your installation
gpio -v
Enabling or Disabling MQTT support
Before building the source, you need to decide whether you want to publish every received data to a MQTT broker or not.
By default, publishing to MQTT is disabled. If you want to enable the feature you need to edit the src/rf95_server.cpp
You need to find and uncomment the line below:
//#define MQTT_ENABLED
so that it becomes:
Building the source
Clone this repository, and build it by simply running:
git clone
cd Simple-LoRa-Gateway
If everything works fine, an executable namely rf95_server
will be created.
If you disable the MQTT publish feature, simply run the command below to start the gateway:
sudo ./rf95_server
If you enable the MQTT publish feature, you need to provide the following information to the environment variable.
MQTT client ID as
environment variable. Note that some server requires this value to be unique among every clients. -
MQTT host as
environment variable. -
MQTT topic as
environment varibale. This topic will be used in publish message. -
MQTT username as
environment variable. This value is not required if the server disable the authentication mechanism. -
MQTT password as
environment variable. This value is not required if the server disable the authentication mechanism.
You can provide values for these environment variables by editing the start
Then, start the gateway by executing the following command:
Important Note: The jumper on the board should be at NSS and GPIO 25.