
MySql shard for Mybatis. No need to change sql.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


MySql shard for Mybatis.

Goal: Shard quietly base on tableName , never change the sql.


Config in Spring
    public ShardInterceptorFactoryBean shardInterceptor() {//create the Shardy bean
        return new ShardInterceptorFactoryBean();

    public SqlSessionFactoryBean sqlSessionFactory(Interceptor shardInterceptor) {
        SqlSessionFactoryBean ssfb = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();
          //register the Shardy plugin to Mybatis
        ssfb.setPlugins(new Interceptor[]{shardInterceptor});
        return ssfb;
Get started

If you want a tableName to shard by a column,provide a TableConfig bean like this:

    public TableConfig User() {
        return TableConfigBuilder.instance()
                .shardStrategy( context -> ShardResult.ofTable("User_" + context.getColumnInt()%100))

That's done. You don't need to change your sql at all.

#####Slave dimension

If you want a tableName to shard by a slave column,provide a TableConfig bean like this:

    public TableConfig User() {
        return TableConfigBuilder.instance()
                .shardStrategy(context -> ShardResult.ofTable("User_" + context.getColumnInt()%100))
                                .setSlaveToTableMapping(context -> ShardResult.ofTable(context.getTable() + "_" +  context.getColumnInt() / 1000))

That's done. Now shardy will route table by master or slave dimension.

#####Db route

Config a Db datasource router DynamicDataSource, and tell it the Dao to be intercepted by Spring aop expression:

    public AbstractRoutingDataSource dynamicDataSource(DataSource user, DataSource user_shard) {
      	//user is the default datasource to use
        return DynamicDataSource.instance(user, ImmutableMap.of("user_shard", user_shard));

    public DefaultPointcutAdvisor dbShard() {
        return DbShardFactory.createDbShardInterceptor("execution(* maniac.lee.shardy.test.dal.mapper..*.*(..))");

and then you can annotate you dao layer with @DbRouter to route by different datasources :

public interface DaoLayer {

    @Select("select * from User where id < #{idVar}")
    @DbRouter("user_shard") //the name that you config in DynamicDataSource
  	List<User> find(@Param("idVar") long id);

@DbRouter can be used in interface and method, of course method annotation will have the higher priority. If you don't use the @DbRouter, the default datasource "user" will be used.

Ps: Don't forget to let SqlSessionFactoryBean to use the DynamicDataSource:

 	SqlSessionFactoryBean ssfb = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();
        ssfb.setPlugins(new Interceptor[]{shardInterceptor});
        ssfb.setDataSource(dynamicDataSource); // use DynamicDataSource
Maven import



  1. Mybatis 3.0
  2. Jdk 1.8
  3. druid(alibaba)
  4. commons-lang3 & guava

Supported Sql

1- by master column, operator "="

select * from T where id = ?

2- by master column, operator "in"

update T set status = ? where id in (?,?,?)

3- insert with id

insert into T(id,status ....) values(?,? ....)

join/union , order by and slave search is not supported for now , to be continued ...


If you have any issues , feel free to send email to dianxiangan@aliyun.com, thx.