
Hashitalks Boundary Deploy


  1. Build out the AWS environment
terraform apply 
  1. SSH into the work and authenticate the worker
ssh -i sshfwkey.pem ubuntu@
  1. Get the token key sudo less boundary/worker/auth_request_token


  1. Update the terraform code /repo with the new token

add the worker with the new token

terraform apply 
  1. Deploy the Target

uncoment target.tf

  1. Setup vault

export VAULT_ADDR="https://vault-cluster-public-vault-cc4cb586.d7f4f2a0.z1.hashicorp.cloud:8200"

export VAULT_TOKEN="hvs.CAESIDR7SP_1ziOiUtpO9ORi_dyAu-1S60l1222ndJ9ZZ41RGicKImh2cy5ocmJReExMY3JnYmcyb0FpMnhqNFJXejEuZjR6dFcQ6Uo"

export VAULT_NAMESPACE=admin

vault kv put secret/my-secret username=ubuntu private_key=@linuxssh.pem

export CRED_STORE_TOKEN=$(vault token create

  1. Udpate creds for boundary
