
This is a little project to manage users using TDD

Primary LanguageJava

TDD with Spring Boot

On this README file I detail endpoints created to this API REST, their functionality and details of the proyect


This project uses H2SQL and into the resources path was added an import.sql with data to start using this API.

In test path are all test made for this example following TDD(Test Driven Development). All of they will pass with any problem.


  1. User registration. Endpoint /user/registry Method: POST This endpoint allows to registry a new user to database. It's a must send into the request body the next data:


    Note: It is important that the password was validated on the frontend

    The creation date is asigned automatically by the API.

  2. Get user information. Endpoint /user/details/{id} Method: GET From this endpoint itcan be get the data from a user. By default the user's password is not send, all this for security.

    User information is send by the API with next JSON format (Added data is just for example):

        "user": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Joe",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "username": "jdoe",
            "password": null,
            "createdAt": "2020-06-08"
  3. Update a user. Endpoint /user/update/{id} Method: PUT This endpoint allows to update the data of a user. By default it is not possible to update the username nor password, it is only possible to chance the personal data.

    In the same way, it is necesary to send the new user's data througth request body.

  4. Deleta a user. Endpoint /user/delete/{id} Method: DELETE Througth this endpoint it is possible to delete a user using its id.

  5. Get all users. Endpoint /user/all Method: GET From this endpoint it is possible to retrive all users registrated in the database.