
Visual Studio Code - API WebServer (add files from POST request)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

api-webserver README

This extension make it possible to take control of Visual Studio Code from a Web Page based client.


  • POST request with data contents in json format:

in above json: removeOtherFiles mean that when this is set to true then files that is not present in the JSON is removed from the VSCODE project FilesDirectory (described in Extension Settings) it should be set to false if only known files need to be replaced/added.

  • GET request possible query strings:

note. that i have prevented directory traversal by the filename so if you want to use the root src folder to store files in set the setting to "FilesDirectory": "",



Extension Settings

in webServerApiSettings.json in project root Contents example:

    "webServerPort": 8080,
    "webSocketPort": 3000,
    "FilesDirectory": "DesignTool",
    "useTerminalOutputAnsiStrip": true,
    "useTerminalOutputToHtml": true
webServerPort: the port that the webserver listen to

webSocketPort: the port that the websocketserver listen to

FilesDirectory: this is the folder where the files will be put by the POST command
                it's also the root folder of getFile

useTerminalOutputAnsiStrip: when this is set the Ansi Style characters is stripped from the terminal capture data

useTerminalOutputToHtml: converts < to &lt;
                                  > to &gt;
                                  \r\n \r \n  respective to <br>
                                  "space char" to &nbsp;

if both useTerminalOutputToHtml and useTerminalOutputAnsiStrip is set
 then the html output will be stripped from the Ansi Style characters

to apply the settings use the command:

API-webserver restart

Known Issues

to use the terminal capture you need to start VSCODE with the following parameter: --enable-proposed-api JannikSvensson.api-webserver

in windows just right click on the vs-code shortcut select properties and put it after .exe" line in windows 10 if you have the shortcut on the start-menu first right click that select "more-open file location" then right click that and do the above.

in both linux and mac the VSCODE needs to be started from the terminal
(if you don't go througt the complicated thing of creating a shell script)
code --enable-proposed-api JannikSvensson.api-webserver

Release Notes


Initial release of API_Webserver


Add GET requests


Add Settings file


Add terminal capture and send to connected WebSocket client to use terminal capture use --enable-proposed-api JannikSvensson.api-webserver as VSCODE start parameter


Add settings useTerminalOutputCapture, useTerminalOutputToHtml, useTerminalOutputAnsiStrip Add POST JSON data removeOtherFiles Fix File write flag so that it overwrites existing files