
A simple mock authenticator client (JavaScript)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Client Authenticator | Mock

A simple mock authenticator client, written in JavaScript.

Table of Contents


The authenticator-client-mock-js is a simple client service, that mimics the common behaviors of HTTP-based authentication schemes. It does not transmit data over HTTP; it can be merely used for supporting offline/detached testing and development scenarios.

The implementation is designed to be compatible with the vuestrap-client-auth-support Authenticator interface.

How to Use


with yarn:

$ yarn add authenticator-client-mock-js --dev

with npm:

$ npm install authenticator-client-mock-js --save-dev

Compatible with the Client Auth Support Vuestrap

For example:

import Vue from 'vue';
import store from './store'; // your vuex store instance
import router from './router'; // your vue-router instance
import MockAuthenticator from 'authenticator-client-mock-js';
import ClientAuthSupport from 'vuestrap-client-auth-support';

const MockAuth = new MockAuthenticator({ ttl: 5 * 60 * 1000 }); // expire session in 5 mins

Vue.use(ClientAuthSupport, {
  authenticator: MockAuth,
  persistType: 'local',
  tokenName: 'user-auth-token',



Constructor Options

Name Required? Description
debug No Set to true to log debug messages during utilization. Defaults to false.
ttl No Defaults to 0 (expires immediately).


Instance Properties

Name Type Description
ttl Number The configured ttl before the generated token expires. (0 = expires immediately, -1 = never expires, <millis> = any positive integer)
state Object The mock state that is mutated for simulation purposes.

Instance Functions

All functions return Promises (except resetState).

Name Parameters Returns Description
authenticateUser creds = { username: <username>, password: <password> } { token: '<the_token>', expires_at: <timestamp_in_seconds> } Performs a mock authentication request, that always succeeds if a username is provided. When authentication is granted, the service returns a user auth token, with an expiration timestamp per the configured ttl.
expireUser token = '<the_token>' { success: true }
fetchUserInfo token = '<the_token>'
resetState (none) (void) Resets the instance state to the default values.



For Developers

Dev Lint

The plugin uses ESLint for source code linting. The linting will run automatically on git commit.

$ yarn lint

Dev Test

The plugin uses Mocha for the testing framework, and Chai for its assertions.

$ yarn test

Dev Build

The plugin is automatically built on yarn publish. But, you can manually build the plugin using:

$ yarn build-plugin