Simple web-page that shows articles written by users.
Bootstrap and JQuery come from their respective official CDNs.
create table Users
Email varchar(255) not null,
Username varchar(32) not null,
Password binary(60) not null,
UserURL varchar(10) not null
primary key,
CreatedOn timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null
create index Users_UserURL_index
on Users (UserURL)
create table Posts
Title varchar(255) not null,
Content text not null,
PostURL varchar(10) not null
primary key,
CreatorURL varchar(10) not null,
CreatedOn timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null,
constraint Posts_Users_UserURL_fk
foreign key (CreatorURL) references Users (UserURL)
on update cascade on delete cascade
create index Posts_PostURL_index
on Posts (PostURL)
create index Posts_Users_UserURL_fk
on Posts (CreatorURL)