
Web based dnd gaming website

Primary LanguageRuby

Story Time

A dnd website thing

  • Ruby version 2.6.6

  • Base Docker image Dockerhub

  • System dependencies docker docker-compose docker swarm (for production)

Dev Access

  • Access UI on localhost:35003
  • Access console with
    • docker-compose run --rm cmd rails c

Running tests locally

Continuous Build

  • Dockerhub image
  • Pushes to the master branch automatically trigger a docker image build with tag latest


  • Dev
    • docker-compose up -d
  • Production
    • To deploy to Docker Swarm:
    • Run scripts/deploy-prod on a manager node
    • To deploy locally
    • docker-compose -f swarm.yml up -d


BEM should be used for CSS naming conventions. See this issue for a brief summary.


Web Accessibility Checker