

  • The goal is to recommend Netflix movies based on their genres.
  • The system allows users to input a movie title and receive recommendations of similar movies.

Project Overview:

The project utilizes a combination of data preprocessing techniques, feature extraction methods, and machine learning algorithms to build a content-based recommendation system for Netflix movies. The interactive web interface is developed using Streamlit to enhance user experience and accessibility.

Workflow Summary:

  • The dataset containing movie titles, descriptions, content types, and genres is loaded and preprocessed.
  • Text data (genres) is transformed into numerical form using TF-IDF vectors.
  • Cosine similarity is calculated between TF-IDF vectors of different movies to determine their similarity.
  • A function is created to take user input (movie title) and return recommendations based on similarity scores.
  • Streamlit is employed to create a user-friendly interface, allowing users to input movie titles and view recommendations seamlessly.

Output Screenshot:
