
Website for team BanjulBound, taking part in the Banjul Challenge for 2014

Primary LanguageCSS


Source code behind the website for team BanjulBound, taking part in the Banjul Challenge for 2014.

The Website

Visit us on http://www.banjulbound.com - more information about the team, the challenge and how YOU can participate are all up there!


The souce code in this repository is released under Creative Commons. More details of this license can be found on the Creative Commons website.


This is the source code for the BanjulBound website. This is based on templates created by the JBoss Community using Awestruct and Bootstrap.

System Requirements

  • Ruby 1.9.2 or above
  • RubyGems - 1.3.6 or above
  • Bundler - 1.3.5
    • Try sudo gem install bundler
  • GNU WGet 1.14

Note: If you are using Mac OS X, you need to have the following setup:

  1. XCode. After installing XCode, you should go to XCode -> Preferences -> Download and install the command line (CLI) tools.
  2. MacPorts
  3. You can install WGet using MacPorts: sudo port install wget
  4. You need libxml2 and libxslt: sudo port install libxml2 libxslt
  5. You will need Ruby >= 1.9.2. Mac OS Mountain Lion comes with 1.8.x. Using RVM and JewelryBox is probably the best way to manage and install several different versions of Ruby on OS X.

1. Build the website

Run Awestruct in development mode from the top-level directory to build the website and host it using a local web server:

$ bin/run_dev.sh

2. View the website locally

Use a web browser to visit http://localhost:4242 where you can see the site.

3. Stage the website

Coming soon

4. Publish the website

If everyone is happy with staging then:

  • Run $ bin/publish_production.sh
  • Browse to http://www.banjulbound.org to verify publication.


To be able to publish to production, you must have git push rights on http://github.com/maniksurtani/banjulbound. Contact Manik Surtani for such permissions.

Contribute to issues in this codebase

Feel like contributing? Great! Just fork the project on GitHub and issue a pull request with your changes.