Planning Poker API

Planning Poker API is a collaborative tool designed to help teams estimate the complexity and time of tasks during sprint planning sessions. This API allows users to create planning sessions, join as participants, submit estimates (votes) for tasks, and reveal the votes collectively for a consensus-based estimate.

Project Overview

The Planning Poker API provides endpoints to:

  • Register users
  • Log in users and manage authentication
  • Create planning sessions and tasks
  • Allow users to join sessions, submit votes, and reveal final votes

This project is built to streamline sprint planning for Agile teams, making it easier to estimate tasks with a structured process.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Go, Fiber
  • Database: SQLite (for development)
  • Testing: .http files for API endpoint testing

Getting Started


Ensure the following are installed on your local machine:

  • Go (latest version)
  • SQLite
  • HTTP client or REST Client extension in VS Code (for running .http files)

Project Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd planning-poker
  2. Install dependencies:

    Run the following command to install necessary Go modules:

    go mod tidy
  3. Run Database Migrations:

    Ensure the SQLite database is set up and run migrations if required.

  4. Start the Server:

    Run the following command to start the server:

    go run main.go

    The server will start at http://localhost:3000.

Folder Structure

  • cmd/ - Contains application entry points.
  • internal/ - Contains core modules, services, and handlers for API requests.
  • test/ - Contains .http files for running API tests (see below).

Testing the API

The test folder includes .http files to test various API endpoints sequentially.

Testing Workflow Overview

  1. Register Users: Registers the admin and five regular users.
  2. Login Users: Logs in each user and captures their JWT tokens for use in the next steps.
  3. Session and Voting: Covers session creation, task creation, user joining, voting, and vote revealing.

Setup Instructions for Testing

  1. Open the test folder: Navigate to the test folder in your project.

  2. Open the .http files: Files are organized as follows:

    • RegisterUsers.http: For registering the admin and all users.
    • LoginUsers.http: For logging in all users and capturing tokens.
    • SessionAndVoting.http: For creating sessions, adding tasks, joining sessions, voting, and revealing votes.
  3. Run Each File Sequentially: Execute each .http file in order for a seamless workflow.

HTTP Files Details

  • RegisterUsers.http: Registers each user individually, including the admin and five regular users.
  • LoginUsers.http: Logs in each user and captures their tokens.
  • SessionAndVoting.http: Includes:
    • Session Creation: The admin creates a session.
    • Task Creation: A task is created within the session by the admin.
    • User Joins: Each user joins the session.
    • Voting: Each user submits a vote.
    • Vote Reveal: The admin reveals the votes, concluding the session.

Example Usage

  1. Open the .http files sequentially from the test folder.
  2. Follow the comments in each file to complete the workflow.


  • Ensure your server is running and accessible at http://localhost:3000.
  • Using the REST Client in VS Code is recommended for running .http files efficiently.

Final Notes

These .http files provide a clear and direct approach to testing, without the need for external collections. Each step is designed to be run sequentially, ensuring a smooth and easy-to-follow testing process.

Happy testing with Planning Poker API!