
Spring Boot sample application for testing Verimi API integration with Java

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Verimi Spring Boot Integration Sample

Verimi logo


This is a sample minimal implementation of the service provider integration as downloaded from https://web-sandbox.perftest.verimi.tech/sdk/html/example.html on 2018-06-08T13:00:00+03:00. It demonstrates the following flow:

  1. Redirects to the authorization server in order to login.
  2. Replies with the authorization code
  3. Web server then uses the authorization code in a POST token request and receives the access_token.
  4. Decodes the access_token content (not working with current sandbox environment)
  5. Retrieves the user baskets containing user information and prints them to log. (not working with current sandbox environment)

API environments

Verimi offers two (2) environments for testing:

1 . Sandbox

Sandbox environment offers only the ability to login and get an access_token. You cannot perform anything else there. Sandbox environment is freely accessible. You can find documentation about it here.

2. UAT - User Acceptance Testing

This is a testing environment which offers the complete functionality as described in the Verimi API documentation. This environment is not publicly accessible. In order to be granted access to the API you need to contact Verimi who will provide you with:

  1. A personal client certificate which is a .p12 file with a private key.
  2. A client_id.
  3. A client_secret.
  4. The redirect urls you and Verimi have agreed for testing. For example if your server resides in http://localhost:8000 and in https://mysite.com you have to inform Verimi explicitly about this information in order to whitelist these URLs.

By acquiring the aforementioned information, you can register a new account in https://verimi-uat.coretransform.com/login. You can use whatever email you want as the email will be sent to a Mailhog test mail server located in: https://sp-verimi-uat.coretransform.com/mailhog.

How to run


  1. JDK 1.8 installed
  2. Apache Maven or an IDE which supports Maven , such as Eclipse Spring Tool Suite, IntelliJ IDEA, Netbeans.


In order to run this sample Spring Boot application using Verimi Sandbox environment you have to proceed to the following steps:

  1. Edit src/main/resources/application.properties with a configuration like the following

    server.port: 9000
  2. Run :

    • From a shell: mvn spring-boot:run in order to compile and execute the application.
    • Run the SpringBootWebApplication class from your favourite IDE.

If everything is OK, then proceed to the next section.

UAT - User Acceptance Testing

In order to run this sample Spring Boot application using Verimi UAT - User Acceptance Testing environment you have to proceed to the following steps:

  1. Edit src/main/resources/application.properties with a configuration like the following

    server.port: 9000
    # This property accepts 2 values: "uat" or "sandbox". Default: "sandbox" 
    ### Keystore
  • Run :
    • From a shell: mvn spring-boot:run in order to compile and execute the application.
    • Run the SpringBootWebApplication class from your favourite IDE.

If everything is OK, then proceed to the next section.

Access the application

The application will load on localhost on port 9000 by default (you can configure a different port in the src/main/resources/application.properties. Open a browser on http://localhost:9000 and press the "Login with Verimi" button to proceed.

In the UAT environment if everything works as expected you will be able to retrieve baskets, i.e. user information. This information will be logged in logs and is going to look like the following:

2018-06-19 10:56:21.505  INFO 1420 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.dipp.WelcomeController               : Basket Response:{"basketId":"50ae7281-258a-4d4d-aa74-7434b80da157","serviceProviderId":"bobos","dataScopes":[{"scopeId":"email","data":[{"name":"email","value":"jlongjohn@test.com"},{"name":"standard","value":"true"},{"name":"verified","value":"true"},{"name":"contact","value":"true"},{"name":"id","value":"3a2b46aa-5065-327d-9a52-47175ee06b94"}]},{"scopeId":"name","data":[{"name":"firstName","value":"John"},{"name":"lastName","value":"Longjohn"},{"name":"title","value":"mr"},{"name":"academicTitle","value":""},{"name":"verified","value":"false"},{"name":"id","value":"b2de28ac-ec23-db6e-1863-300013a7af24"}]}]}