
Primary LanguagePython

gnntf: A Flexible Deep Graph Neural Network Framework

This repository provides a framework for easy experimentation with Graph Neural Network (GNN) architectures by separating them from predictive components.

⚡ Quickstart

Data. Let us first import a node classification dataset using a helper method. This creates a networkx graph, an array of integer node labels, a matrix of node features and three arrays indicating training, validation and test nodes. The node order is considered as the order of nodes in the graph (i.e. the order accessed by the iterator node for node in graph).

from experiments.experiment_setup import dgl_setup
graph, labels, features, train, valid, test = dgl_setup("cora")

Architecture. Let us define an APPNP GNN architecture that outputs a number of representations equal to the number of classes. This requires as input the graph in adjacency matrix form adj, the number of classes num_classes and known node features. Note that the adjacency matrix is constructed to be symmetric by filling missing opposite direction edges.

import gnntf
num_classes = len(set(labels))
adj = gnntf.graph2adj(graph)
architecture = gnntf.APPNP(adj, features, num_classes=num_classes)

Predictive tasks. Then we aim to train this architecture for node classification. In this task, a softmax is applied on output representations and the model is trained towards minimizing a cross-entropy loss. We need to first define the training and validation tasks - these could be different from each other and even different from the prediction task.

train_task = gnntf.NodeClassification(train, labels[train])
validation_task = gnntf.NodeClassification(valid, labels[valid])

Training. Then the architecture can be trained on these tasks. Training can be customized with respect to the employed optimizer and early stopping patience (training stops when validation assessment does not improve for that number of epochs). In this example, we limit running time with a small patience of 10 epochs, though the default value for most GNN approaches is 100.

architecture.train(train=train_task, valid=validation_task, patience=10)

Prediction. Finally, we can use the architecture to make predictions about a new test task - this could also differ from training and validation ones. The format of predictions is determined by the type of task, but is usually a numpy array of outputs corresponding to inputs. Note that, for testing, we ommitted the known label argument, since it is not needed for predictions. In the following code we use a helper method to compute the accuracy of the predictions made in our dataset.

test_task = gnntf.NodeClassification(test)
prediction = architecture.predict(test_task)
accuracy = gnntf.acc(prediction, labels[test])

🚀 Features

  • GNNs
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Modular architectures
  • Predictive tasks independent of architectures
  • Common training and losses
  • Use tensorflow code (e.g. activations, optimizers, keras layers)
  • Easy layer injection/removal

🔗 Material

Predictive Tasks