
Short project in SAI demonstrating the use of the library and haptic control of a 2D manipulator arm

Primary LanguageC++


Short project demonstrating kinematics and haptics


Q: Error: git command not found

A: You have to install xcodetools. From terminal, run

xcode-select --install

Q: Error: cmake command not found


  1. First install homebrew. From terminal, run
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  1. Then install cmake using homebrew. Run
brew install cmake

Q: Error: Eigen not found

A: Install eigen using homebrew. Run

brew install eigen

Q: Error: TinyXml2 not found

A: Install tinyxml2 using homebrew. Run

brew install tinyxml2

Q: How do I pull the latest code?


  1. From the terminal, first navigate to the project folder: short_project/
  2. Then, do
git commit -am "Save changes"
git pull --rebase