
This project is a recommendation engine which help visitors to find best places in India or similar places that they had visited already. It plans the entire journey day-wise and also predicts the total travel cost for the entire trip based on the number of passengers and travel date. It recommend the hotels based on budget and map places nearby

Primary LanguagePython


This consists a Place Recommendation Engine for all the places in India, search all the places in particular cities, and suppose someone had visited some city/place then this recommendation system recommend best cities/places which are most similar cities/places to the given ones.

This MLproject is based on content and popularity bases Recommendation System, uses of Natural Language Processing for text/description Summarizer and also NLP is used to manipulate the data for Content based Filtering

To show the poject, streamlit is used for the web development and deployment. This is an end-to-end Project to recoommend for the tourists and travelers.

Libraries used: pandas, numpy, nltk, streamlit, sklearn, Folium

Dataset: Data collect with some web scrapping from tourism website and also from Kaggle which consist cities, places, rating, description, reviews

Project Link : https://trip-planner-m.streamlit.app/