
This is an open-source repository compiling the best resources that 100daysofcode coders use. Our favourite courses, challenges and places to learn.

MIT LicenseMIT

Resources for Your 100 Days License: MIT Contributor Covenant

This is a repository compiling the best resources that 100daysofcode coders use. Our favourite courses, challenges and places to learn. Click Here to view the resources

This repository is for all of us to start contributing to open source. We are often told how important it is to contribute, so I wanted to create a place where contributing is easy and low-stakes. Feel free to try things and make mistakes, and we will fix them together!

My goal is to pool the experiences of as many coders as possible, and create a list of resources for anyone to look at to find new ways to learn.

How to contribute ✏️

To contribute, please fork this repo, add your contributions to resourcelist.md, then make a pull request back up to this repo. I’ll merge your contributions and you’ll be added to the contributors list. Dark green contributions for all!!

If you need help with forking, pull requests or using markdown, please don’t let that stop you from contributing. See the contributing guidelines below to help you, but if you have any other issues message me on Twitter @rubyspch and I will see if I can help!

Also if have any advice for me to make this open source project better, please let me know via Twitter or write a comment in a pull request.

Contributing Guidelines 📝

  1. Fork the Resources-for-Your-100-Days repo and create a new branch to work on.
  2. Open resourcelist.md in your new branch in the forked repo.
  3. Find your topic/language on existing the list, or add a new one.
  4. Under the heading, add your resource (please include a link). It can be a video, a course, an article, a content creator... Anything! If it helped you, it could help others!
  5. Commit your changes.
  6. Create a pull request, and your contributions will be merged to the Resources-for-Your-100-Days repo.
  7. Delete the forked repo once you're done or keep the main branch up to date by fetching changes upstream from this repo, and create new pull requests each time you want to contribute to the list.

Help for contributing 📐

Code of Conduct ✅

I have started this project for beginners like me, and I want it to be a warm and safe space for coders to get their first open source contributions. Any off-topic/negative/derogatory content that is added to the list will be removed, and any pull requests that include abusive language will be closed without merging. If you see any comments that you would like to report, please message me on Twitter and I will look into it.

See full details of the Contributor Covenant here

Contributors List 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦