
Primary LanguagePython


This is a small python application which will displays a list of categories and shows items entered under each category. It provides basic CRUD access for the logged in user and authenticates with Google OpenID.

Getting Started

The system is pure python with a little bit of Bootstrap for front-end formatting. A Vagrant file is provided from which you can access the application.


Have ability to bring up Vagrant machines on your local environment.

Have a Google ID which you can authenticate against.

Have a project and Google Credentials to authenticate against. See https://developers.google.com/youtube/analytics/registering_an_application


Git clone repo or copy directory locally.

Navigate to correct directory cd catalog which contains the Vagrantfile.

In the /catalog/catalog/seed_data.py file, substitute your email for the ADMIN_EMAIL variable.

Replace the client_secrets.json file with your project's secrets file obtained from Google Developer Console.

Run Vagrantfile using vagrant up.

After successfully bringing up vagrant box, vagrant ssh.

On guest machine, cd /vagrant/catalog.

Populate the database with test data by running python catalog/seed_data.py.


To run simply execute python catalog/catalog.py in your console.

Installing in Linux Environment

Different steps are required to productionize a version of this app. Notes can be found here

Built With




Google Open ID / Oauth2



Extends https://github.com/udacity/ud330/tree/master/Lesson2/