
This repo contains the instructions for the backend project week

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Back End Project Week

This week you will be building a backend for a note taking app called "Lambda Notes."

You are to treat this week as if you are working at a company and the instructor is your client. The teaching assistants are acting as your project managers and will be your main support throughout the week.

The main objective of this week is to develop a backend to support the LambdaNotes app you built during the Front End project week, connect the two projects together, and add some additional features. You will use NodeJS, MongoDB and any other technologies you have learned here at Lambda School.

Git Commits

  • You are required to showcase progress with at least 1 commit a day. This will let your project manager know where you are and if you need help. This also allows the client to get progress reports from the company in a real world setting. This also protects you from losing your work if your computer blows up.

Trello Set Up:

  • Use your existing Trello account from the Front End Project, or create a new one
  • Create a new board called "Lambda Notes(Backend) - {Your Name}"
  • Create lists titled backlog,To Do, In Progress, and Done
  • Fill in the To Do list with the Backend MVP features listed below
  • Fill in the backlog list with all the extra features listed below
  • Share your board with the project manager that has been assigned to you. If you have not been assigned yet, reach out to your Section Lead for guidance
  • Add your Trello URL to your project's README.md file. Commit the change, push it to your repository & submit a pull request

Backend MVP Features:

  • Create a Database for your app
  • Create a Registration Page that allows users to create accounts for your app and sign in with email/password
  • Store these User Accounts in your Database
  • Add a Sign In Page
  • Store Notes in your Database
  • Deploy your application to the web

Build an API Endpoint for each of the following, and connect it to your React App. These should all be read from your Database and scoped to the logged in user. Write tests for your endpoints.

  • Display a list of notes
  • Create a note with a title and content
  • View an existing note
  • Edit an existing note
  • Delete an existing note

Upon your first commit, please submit a Pull Request and add both the Trello Set Up and Backend MVP Features Task lists to your first Pull Request comment:

## Trello Set Up:

* [ ] Use your existing Trello account from the Front End Project, or create a new one
* [ ] Create a new board called "Lambda Notes(Backend) - {Your Name}"
* [ ] Create lists titled `backlog`,`To Do`, `In Progress`, and `Done`
* [ ] Fill in the `To Do` list with the MVP features listed below
* [ ] Fill in the `backlog` list with all the extra features listed below
* [ ] Share your board with the project manager that has been assigned to you. If you have not been assigned yet, reach out to your Section Lead for guidance
* [ ] Add your Trello URL to your project's README.md file. Commit the change, push it to your repository & submit a pull request

## Backend MVP Features:

* [ ] Create a Database for your app
* [ ] Create a Node app and connect it to your database
* [ ] Create a Registration Page that allows users to create accounts for your app and sign in with email/password
* [ ] Store these User Accounts in your Database
* [ ] Add a Sign In Page
* [ ] Store Notes in your Database
* [ ] Deploy your application to the web

Build an API Endpoint in your Node App for each of the following, and connect them to your React App. These should all be read from your Database and scoped to the logged in user. Write tests for your endpoints.

* [ ] Display a list of notes
* [ ] Create a note with a title and content
* [ ] View an existing note
* [ ] Edit an existing note
* [ ] Delete an existing note

Once you have completed the Backend Minimum Viable Product requirements, direct message your project manager for approval. If approved, you may continue working on the Extra Features. Please add the Extra Features to your Task List in the first comment on your PR.

Once your MVP has been approved, you have been given a feature list that the client would love to have completed. Your goal would be to finish MVP as soon as you can and get working the list of features.

Extra Features:

  • Allow users to sign in with a third party service (google, facebook, github, club penguin, etc...)
  • Search functionality
  • Allow multiple users to collaborate on notes
  • Add pagination for long lists of notes
  • Create and display tags that can be added to notes and stored in the Database
  • Allow users to clone notes
  • Allow users to attach images to notes
  • Allow users to create Lists and assign notes to a list
  • Setup Auto-Deploy on Heroku

Super Duper Extra Credit Bonus Features

  • Add a payment form integrating with Stripe that allows Users to buy a "Premium" version of LambdaNotes.
  • Gate your favorite feature behind the premium paywall

You will notice that this repository does not have any starter code. This is on purpose. You are to start from scratch using any files you have built throughout your time here at Lambda School.