Restaurant problem solution


The "lib" folder contains the code. The "spec" has the RSpec specs. The order_spec.rb file has the main specs, but other classes are tested with their respective specs also.

To run the specs:

bundle exec rspec --format documentation


    bulk creation of meals (helper method
      should be able to create meals in bulk
    a vegetarian meal
      must be fish free
      containing fish is invalid
    a fish free meal
      may be vegetarian
      may not be vegetarian
    a valid regular meal
      must not be fish free, gluten free or vegetarian
    a meal which is regular and gluten free
      must be invalid
    a meal which is regular and vegetarian
      must be invalid
    a meal which is regular and fish free
      must be invalid

    adding a line item to an order
      should accept with valid number and food type
      should raise an exception if line item does not specify valid food type
    Adding a restaurant to an order
      should accept a valid restaurant without error
    Restaurant processing
      Should be able to arrange restaurants in descending order of rating, given multiple restaurants
      should be able to process orders given valid restaurants and order line items

    a Restaurant without meals
      must be invalid
    a Restaurant without a rating
      must be invalid
    a Restaurant without a name
      must be invalid
    a Restaurant with  meals, rating and name
      is valid
    A restaurant being asked to fulfill a line item from an order
      should be able to fulfill 20 vegetarian meals from a total of 50 vegetarian and 50 regular meals
      should be able to fulfill 10 vegetarian meals from a total of 10 vegetarian and 50 regular meals for a given restaurant
      given a line item for 10 vegetarian items and given a restaurant with 5 vegetarian items and 50 regular items, it should be able to fullfill the 5 items

Finished in 0.04601 seconds (files took 0.52277 seconds to load)
21 examples, 0 failures