
hacker news ssr assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hacker News SSR

React Server Side Rendering demo project. This project uses Hacker News API under the hood.

Demo: Click to see DEMO

Getting Started

This project created for Sapient assingment to meetup following details:

  • Server Side Rendering (Stacks: React JS, Redux, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node JS, Experss)
  • Local Storage to save User Data when page refresh
  • Use react-google-charts for LineChart
  • Responsive Design for All Devices
  • Writing Unite Test cases (Stack: React Testing Library)
  • Implementation of Performance, SEO and Accessibility
  • PWA Implementation
  • Live API Hacker News API
  • Using all Best Practices of Front End Application
  • Create Github Repository GITHUB
  • Setup CI pipeline with Travis CI
  • Deployment with Heroku provider


First clone project and install dependencies

$ mkdir react-hacker-news && cd react-hacker-news
$ git clone https://github.com/devendra-gh/hacker-news-ssr.git
$ cd hacker-news-ssr
$ yarn

Run on local

$ yarn run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:3000


Deployment build

$ yarn run build:prod

You can deploy this project to Heroku:

$ yarn run heroku-postbuild

Testing Unite test cases

Deployment build

$ yarn run test

Travis CI config

sudo: false
language: node_js
- 14.5.0
- yarn
- yarn test
  email: false
  provider: heroku
    secure: HEROKU_KEY
  app: hacker-news-ssr2
    repo: devendra-gh/hacker-news-ssr

File Structure

  • assets
    • logo.png
    • manifest.json
    • offline.html
    • serviceWorker.js
  • src
    • client
      • actions
        • index.js
      • components
        • ErrorBoundary
          • index.js
        • Footer
          • index.js
        • Head
          • index.js
        • Header
          • index.js
        • LineChart
          • index.js
        • Pagination
          • index.js
        • TableList
          • index.js
      • pages
        • Home
          • Home.js
          • index.js
        • NotFound
          • index.js
      • reducers
        • homeReducers.js
        • index.js
      • store
        • createStore.js
      • utils
        • index.js
        • style.js
      • App.js
      • client.js
      • contanst.js
      • Routes.js
    • tools
      • renderer.js
  • package.json
  • README.md
  • webpack.base.js
  • webpack.client.js
  • webpack.client.prod.js
  • webpack.server.js

Approach to Developed Application

  • Analysis Application's scope
  • Setup Webpack for Client and Server both with development and production
  • Implemented Server Side rendering
  • Implemented Application features
  • Developed Responsive layout
  • Setup React Testing Library
  • Added Unite test cases
  • Optimized Performance, SEO and Accessibility
  • Implemened PWA
  • Pushed all the changes in Github
  • Setup CI with Travis CI
  • Setup CD with Heroku
  • Finally Done! Click to see DEMO