
Hey this is the repo that has all the queries and data for my video game training series!

Serious SQL Video Game Training

This is the repo that has all the queries and data for my Serious SQL video game training series!

The portfolio project for these trainings is located at https://www.halogods.com

Base Data Model (getting started)

  1. Install Postgres locally (Homebrew is really nice for installing on Mac)
  1. Use the data dump at the root of this directory and pg_restore to create a new database.
pg_restore -U <yourusername> -d postgres --no-owner "halo-data.dump"
  1. Set up DataGrip to point at your locally running Postgres instance
  2. Have fun querying!

Specific Trainings

Self Join Training

  • YouTube link
  • Queries
  1. Self Join Teammate analysis query

Window Functions Training

  • YouTube (coming soon!)
  • Queries
  1. Win and lose streaks
  2. Hot and Cold Bounded Window Functions