
Attempted port from selenium-tests to Java

Primary LanguageJava

Acceptance tests for Jenkins

A project to flesh out some of the manual test cases for Jenkins LTS in an automated fashion.

Following areas are still worked on:

  • Vagrant-based JenkinsController implementations
master stable
Build Status Build Status

Getting Started

Let's start by running tests locally with JENKINS_WAR=path/to/your/jenkins.war mvn test. This runs the entire test suite with the specified Jenkins war and Firefox, so it will take a while.

Set BROWSER=chrome and install http://code.google.com/p/chromedriver/downloads/list in $PATH if desired. (But tests may fail.)

There is a bit of a delay since we bring up Jenkins for every single test, with it's own sandboxed workspace.

All executed tests are screen recorded by default, but only videos of failing tests are persited to target directory. By default, video file is named with the fully qualified test class name, minus sign (-) and the test method name.

You can configure what is persisted by using an environment variable or a Java system property called RECORDER. Possible values are:

  • off
  • failuresOnly
  • always

Java system property takes precedence over environment variable.

Further Reading

Running tests

Writing tests