
Solution For Geek Trust's Ledger Co problem statement

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Solution For Geek Trust's Ledger Co problem statement

To build the solution use below command

dotnet build -o geektrust

To get the output you can use below commands

dotnet geektrust/geektrust.dll Input1.txt
dotnet geektrust/geektrust.dll Input2.txt

To execute test cases execute below command

dotnet test

For calculating the test coverage run below command

dotnet test --collect="XPlat Code Coverage"

To generate coverage report in html format after generating code coverage report, install Report Generator Tool from https://www.nuget.org/packages/dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool and then run below command.

reportgenerator -reports:"{PathToCodeBase}\Ledger\Ledger.Test\TestResults\{GUID}\coverage.cobertura.xml" -targetdir:"{OutputDirectory}" -reporttypes:Html

PathToCodeBase : Folder where code base is located.

GUID: Folder name generated after running code coverage command.

OutputDirectory: Folder where you need html reports and supporting files to be placed.