
A Log4j vulnerability scanner is used to identify the CVE-2021-44228 and CVE_2021_45046

Primary LanguagePython


A Log4j vulnerability scanner is automated scanner to find log4j (CVE-2021-44228 and CVE_2021_45046) vulnerabilities in web applications.


1- It supports multiple URL to perform scan

2- It has payload that can bypass some WAF

3- It supports GET and POST request

4- It supports user payload and headers file

5- It fuzzes POST data parameter as well as JSON parameter


git clone https://github.com/manishkanyal/log4j-scanner.git

cd log4j-scanner

./log4jscan.py -h


Usage : ./log4jscan.py [options- URL/list_of_URL] [target_specification ] [options-custom_dns_callback_host] [id_of_custom_dns_callback_host]

optional arguments: -h, --help ---> show this help message and exit

-u URL, --url URL ---> Scan a single URL

-l LIST, --list LIST ---> Scan multiple URL from file

-id CALLBACK_HOST, ---> custom_dns_callback_host CALLBACK_HOST ---> Custom dns callback provider ID

--test_cve_2021_45046 ---> Test with CVE 2021 45046 Payloads only. Using this option will not test with custom Payload [Deafult: False]

-hf HEADER_FILE, --header_file ---> HEADER_FILE Path for Header file to fuzz [ Default : header.txt]

--request_type ---> REQUEST GET or POST type request [Default: GET]

--run_all_test ---> Run all possible test for LOG4j(all payloads , all requests) [Default: False]

--include_wafbypass_payload ---> To include firewall bypass payloads [Default: False]

--custom_payload_list ---> CUSTOM_PAYLOAD Path for custom payload file.

Example : ./log4jscan.py -u -id c9d9k5c2vtc00002me60grsw31ayyyyyb.interact.sh

Scanning single url

./log4jscan.py -u -id c9d9k5c2vtc00002me60grsw31ayyyyyb.interact.sh

Scanning mulitple URL

./log4jscan.py -l URLS.txt -id c9d9k5c2vtc00002me60grsw31ayyyyyb.interact.sh

Installing Requirements

pip3 install -r requirement.txt