
  • cherrypy

To install the dependencies: '''pip install -r requirements.txt'''

To start the application: '''python'''

The server runs on the default port of 5000. To hit any api from the local system after starting the system: localhost:5000/api_routes

The app is hosted in HEROKU. It can also be accessed through

List of General APIs available

  1. /api/getplayers Gets the list of players available for the game.
  2. /api?getplayers?id=1 Gets the player details for the particular player id.
  3. /api/starttournament Start the tournament among the player orchestrated by the referee and returns the results of the game.
  4. /api/report Generates the report for all the tournament held.

To play a game by user

  1. /api/createnewtournament
  2. /api/registerplayers
  3. /api/registerreferee
  4. /api/getplayers
  5. /api/startmatch?player1=Joey&player2=Nick
  6. /api/winnerslist
  7. /api/getremainingplayers
  8. /api/currentwinner

The start match has to be called multiple times among players and also between winners


  1. /api/addplayer?no=1&name=Jack&defence_set_length=6


  1. /api/dropplayer
  2. /api/configuregame
  3. Make all the games run concurrently using multithreading.
  4. Persist the scores of the players.
  5. Write test cases.
  6. Implement authentication.