Chat Application Setup


  • Kafka installed on your system
  • Frontend application running on localhost:8080

Setting up Kafka Topic

  1. Open Command Prompt or Terminal.

  2. Navigate to the Kafka directory.

  3. Run the following command to create a Kafka topic named nnnn:

    bin\windows\kafka-topics.bat --create --topic nnnn --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1 --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 

This command will create a topic named nnnn with 3 partitions and a replication factor of 1.


  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Enter the following URL in the address bar: http://localhost:8080/


  • If you encounter any issues during setup, refer to the Kafka documentation or the frontend application's documentation for troubleshooting steps.
  • Ensure that all dependencies are installed and configured correctly before running the application.

Additional Notes

  • Make sure Kafka is running and accessible on localhost:9092.
  • Verify that the frontend application is configured to connect to the correct Kafka server and topic.