
Documentation for rtCamp projects/products

Primary LanguageCSS

rtCamp Docs

This includes following details

  • Product Documentation
  • Release Notes
  • Change Logs (Maybe)

Getting Started

Install Jekyll

gem install jekyll

Run Docs site on localhost

git clone git@git.rtcamp.com:static/docs-rtcamp-com.git
cd docs-rtcamp-com
jekyll serve

Create New Page

  • Create pages easily via rake task:
rake page name="about.md"
  • Create a nested page:
rake page name="pages/about.md"
  • Create a page with a "pretty" path:
rake page name="pages/about"
# this will create the file: ./pages/about/index.html

NOTE: When you add a new page, set its permalink into the YAML Front Matter of the page as follows. This will help Jekyll in generating parent-child relationship of the pages and Breadcrumbs as well.

  • Parent Page YAML Front Matter
layout: page
title: "Parent Page"
description: ""
permalink: parent-page-slug/
  • Child Page YAML Front Matter
layout: page
title: "Child Page"
description: ""
permalink: parent-page-slug/child-page-slug/
  • Directory Structure would be as follows:


After you've added pages or made changes to your files, simply commit them to your git repo and push the commits up to server.

git add .
git commit -m "Addding new Doc"
git push origin master

A git post-commit hook will automatically deploy your changes to http://docs.rtcamp.com.

List Child Pages

Whenever you are creating a new parent folder which does not have index.md/index.html/index.markdown, you will need to add such file, so that its following child pages do not break in permalinks and breadcrumbs.

You may put following snippet in the content to display a list of child pages:

{% child_pages depth:1 %}

This template accepts two parametes:

  • depth: You may define the depth till which the template should go while listing child pages.